NODA North West District 3 Awards

Here you will find an Archive of Award Winners for the NODA North West District 3 Awards. Some years will display District 3 & 12 winners, this is because the East Lancashire area was split into 2 different areas for a few years. They reamalgamated at the end of 2017. 

NODA North West District 3 Awards and Dinner 2020 -  08/02/20, Venue: Mercure Dunkenhalgh Hotel & Spa, Blackburn

NODA North West District 3 Awards and Dinner 2019 -  02/02/19, Venue: Mercure Dunkenhalgh Hotel & Spa, Blackburn

NODA North West Distruct 3 & 12 Awards 2018 - Mercure Dunkenhalgh Hotel & Spa, Blackburn 

NODA North West District 3 & 12 Awards 2017 - Mercure Dunkenhalgh Hotel & Spa, Blackburn 

NODA North West District 3 & 12 Awards 2016 - Mercure Dunkenhalgh Hotel & Spa, Blackburn

NODA North West District 3 & 12 Awards 2015 - Mercure Dunkenhalgh Hotel & Spa, Blackburn

NODA North West District 3 Awards 2010 - Northcote At The Blackburn Rovers Football Stadium

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