North West Summer School Bursaries
The North West Region gets allocated a certian amount of bursaries per year to help towards to costs of the NODA Thetare Summer School. Priority is usually given to students attending for the first time and to those students under 30 year old. Currently the bursary is worth 50% against a full course.
- Applicants for a Bursary must apply for a place at NODA Theatre Summer School and pay their deposit. Should they be unsuccessful in getting a Bursary and therefore cannot attend, their deposit will be refunded. This is the only situation under which deposits may be refunded.
- It is a condition of these bursaries that the application is supported by the student’s society.
- No more than two bursaries can be awarded to a student during their time as a NODA member.
- Applications are be forwarded to our Regional Councillor for consideration.
For more information about summer school bursaries please contact our North West Regional Councillor Andy McNicholas -