South-East Awards 2013 - Trophy Winners

Photographs of those who able to collect their awards at the NODA South-East AGM 2013 in Hastings.
Larger version of the award photographs are available on request from Stuart Ardern (

Maurice Spillitt Trophy for Best Written New Show in the Region
Awarded to Stand by your Beds
For Behind the Bike Sheds

South-East Region Best New Show Award 2013Award presented by NODA President Derek Grattidge

Ben Wright Shield for Youth West
Awarded to South Wight Youth Theatre
For The Wizard of Oz

Youth West award 2013Award presented by NODA President Derek Grattidge to the youngest person who was able to get off the Isle of Wight with the Youth Rep West (John Thomas) sneaking into the picture.

Councillor's Award for Musical Theatre
Awarded to Winchester Operatic Society
For The Merry Widow

South-East Councillor's Musical Award 2013Award presented by NODA South-East Regional Councillor John Barnes

Councillor's Drama Award
Awarded to Performing Arts Company
For Teechers

South-East Councillor's Drama Award 2013Award presented by NODA South-East Regional Councillor John Barnes

Trower Trophy for best G & S in the Region
Awarded to Tunbridge Wells Operatic & Dramatic Society
For Pirates of Penzance – Broadway Version
(This was the inaugural presentation of a new trophy donated by Kevin Sivyer in memory of Dick Trower).

Trower Award for Gilbert and Sullivan, 2013Award presented by NODA President Derek Grattidge

Larger version of the award photographs are available on request from Stuart Ardern (

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