Sleeping Beauty
- Date
- 14th January 2025
- Society
- Whitley Bay Pantomime Society
- Venue
- Whitley Bay Playhouse
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Davie & Steven Linsdell-Bell
- Musical Director
- Andrew Clarence
- Choreographer
- Julie Cockburn
- Producer
- Written By
It is always a great pleasure to visit my friends at the Coast to see what they do best – produce and perform beautifully crafted, magical family pantomime of the highest quality. Congratulations to all at Whitley Bay Pantomime Society in their 2025 production of Sleeping Beauty; what a success!.
You can always tell when a panto is good; when the children in the audience are enthralled and immersed in the story and action on the stage in front of them… this was just so. All around me their little faces were lit up, totally transported to Pantoland!.
The magic began at the very start of the show, when the lights went down and MD Andrew Clarence and his 5 piece band struck up with fabulous up-beat music. It sounded more like a 10 or 12 piece to me and this quality continued throughout the show. Then, with great lighting effects with a bleed through a beautiful gauze cloth, we were present at Princess Beauty’s christening party. From where the action continued into the magical timeless story we are all familiar with.
It was nice to see some new additions to the principal cast – to me, at least!. It shows the development and progress the Society is making into the future, which, I am pleased to say appears to be secure for them. Instrumental in this were Lily Curson as Princess Beauty and Lucy France as Prince Valiant - the love interest pair; beautifully sung and acted by them both. Muddles; superbly played by Nathaniel Taylor, was funny and captivating. He had the whole audience in the palm of his hand – well done!. Then we had the well-loved and more experienced cast of Mark Robinson as our hilarious Dame - Queen Bea, ably supported by her ‘husband’ aptly named King Bumble nicely played by Bailey Stables. Our ‘baddies’ Carabosse and Slimeball excellently played by Mo Cave and Beth Robinson were easily boo-able.
The supporting cast were also fabulous, with fine performances from Joanna Barrett as the Lord Chamberlain and three fairies for the price of one – Fairy Pixie; Leah Ashton, Fairy Poppy; Victoria Hemsley and Fairy Thistledown; Lauren Peters-Jones – all superbly sung and acted.
Directors Davie and Steven Linsdell-Bell, can be pleased and proud of the results of many weeks of rehearsal and dedication to their art. As can Choreographer Juluie Cockburn – the dancing and movement on stage was precise, very athletic and visually stunning, especially the ballet sequence.
They were backed up by an equally impressive chorus, extremely competent in their singing, movement and dancing.
The wonderful scenery and backcloths by Scenic Projects provided a very colourful backdrop, and were very well stage managed by Jean Hall and her busy crew. Fantastic lighting design and special effects by Mark Turner of Brightstar and sound by Jonathan Mellor of Tyne Audio added to the success of this fine panto.
The equally sumptuous and colourful costumes and makeup by the in-house team and In Disguise Choppington also enhanced the visual effect of the show. All in all, a superb night’s entertainment.
Get a ticket for this, you will not be disappointed.
Many thanks for the invitation and the hospitality. We look forward to 2026 and ROBIN HOOD.
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