Mother Goose
- Date
- 12th December 2024
- Society
- Portishead Players
- Venue
- Somerset Hall, Portishead
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Janet Astley
- Musical Director
- Miles Boyd and Marie Coombes
- Choreographer
- Caroline Edwards and Karley Hughes
- Written By
- Alan P Frayn
Mother Goose
12th December 2024
Produced: Portishead Players
Written: Alan P Frayn
Directed: Janet Astley
Choreographers Caroline Edwards and Karley Hughes
Musical Directors: Miles Boyd and Marie Coombes
Noda Rep: Mike Purnell
Is there any better way to get you into the Christmas mood? I don’t think so, a
Portishead Players pantomime is just the job says exactly what it does on the tin.
We have colour, laughter, great costumes, a good fairy and a baddie - mix this up
with some wonderful musical numbers, a little touch of mayhem along the way and
now you have it a fabulous evenings entertainment enjoyed by every age group.
As you know, I’ve so enjoyed coming along to the Portishead Players whether it be
plays, musicals or pantomime and this year, it was no exception. A very enjoyable
evening without a doubt.
What I find exceptional about this group is the commitment that everybody gives
whether they’re a lead player or a back row chorus member. I look at everybody’s
face and everybody is fully focused and absolutely committed to what they do.
The backdrops were striking and let us know exactly where we were meant to be.
The set overall was very simple but worked. We can ask for no more.
I was very excited to see a live band. This always makes a difference to any
performance and these players certainly took it up a notch. Well done to the
Gooseland light Orchestra. I think I actually knew every song and I could see a lot
of work had been put into the performers as they all felt very comfortable with their
songs and pitch. Well done Musical Director.
A really good pace was maintained throughout, all the scene, changes were nice
and slick. I love the directors sentiment in the program of why she chose this
particular pantomime and I must say I couldn’t agree more. The reasoning behind
this choice was absolutely perfect. A good moral lesson for us all along with all the
laughs that came with it. Absolutely super casting too. Everybody were absolutely
perfect for their parts. You are so lucky at Portishead to have such a high standard
of talent.
Mother Goose
Ben, you owned that stage. As the central character you had us enthralled. The
wonderfully suitable costumes, garish makeup and energy in abundance. I
particularly liked the chest hair coming just up over the dress couldn’t have been
more perfect. Great comedy timing and interacted extremely well with all cast. I
particularly enjoyed your input in the musical numbers great performance.
Harvey - you took over as the “beauty” perfectly. Super energy through act two
and maintained character throughout. Very enjoyable indeed.
Silly Billy
I must commend your energy first and foremost it’s exactly what is needed for
pantomime and you had it in abundance. The audience absolutely love you and we
enjoyed your interaction with us very much indeed you maintained a fantastic pace
all the way through. Your input into 42nd Street and the three amigos was
invaluable very enjoyable indeed.
This part can sometimes come over is being a bit drippy, but there was no way
that you were gonna let that happen. Lovely stage presence and I enjoyed your
input into the musical numbers particularly Thank You for Being a Friend another
one of my favourite songs. Good work with Colin. Good team player.
Barron Blacknore
I’ve enjoyed the work you’ve done this year on past productions and what a
wonderful way to finish up the year being able to let your hair down and have a lot
of fun. Perfectly suited to the Baron and loved that tongue in cheek delivery with a
Glint in the eye. Good job done.
Another good characterisation working very nicely alongside Jill.
You certainly made your mark and contributed very well to the musical numbers. I
particularly liked Thank You for Being a Friend and We’re in the Money. A real
highlight. Good work.
Bill Bumpkin/ Ben Bogtrotter
What a duo. Nice bit of slapstick some funny gags both working extremely well off
of each other. I thought the ballad of the three amigos was a real showstopper,
Well done, ladies very enjoyable.
Fairy Friendship
What a lovely role for you. You looked every inch the fairy with your beautiful
costume, make up and hair looked just right and what a stunning voice. I must
admit Whistle Down the Wind is one of my favourite songs and I certainly enjoyed
your rendition very much indeed. Thanks for the fun and laughter and continuing
the story perfectly. Good job done.
Demon Discontent
Well, you certainly looked every bit the demon. Makeup and costumes were
certainly suitable I did feel you were slightly nervous at the beginning but certainly
grew into the role as the show progressed. One bit of advice for the future when
you make an entrance wait for the boo’s to subside before you continue your
dialogue. We just missed the first line or two and the audience really wanted to boo
you to show their appreciation of a good job that you did. Well done.
Priscilla Goose
Absolutely gorgeous. What a great costume. You interacted beautifully with
everyone. Must have been quite difficult to navigate at times, but you managed it
perfectly. I almost forgot you weren’t real so you certainly created the magic.
King Proper-Gander/Queen Goosegog
Both played your parts expertly. Great costumes and makeup. Again a nice little
partnership that came over very well. Very believable.
I think you can certainly give yourself a pat on the back for this one. “Oh yes, you
can“. It had every ingredient a pantomime needs it was an absolute bundle of fun
brought to the community of Portishead. You kept a great pace throughout the
production, which was so important having a lot of youngsters in the audience, but
they were enthralled throughout, as were we all.
I could tell a lot of thought and detail had gone into this production and that I really
appreciated. Every character was well drawn out and the interaction with the
company worked quite seamlessly. This was a very enjoyable production that just
screamed of teamwork.
Congratulations on all your hard work.
Many thanks once again for the lovely warm welcome from Lynda and all the front
of House team. It really is such a pleasure to come to see the Portishead Players.
Best wishes for 2025 and see you soon
Mike X
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