Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Date
- 10th January 2025
- Society
- Quince Players
- Venue
- Cordes Hall
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Jenny Faulkner-Hooper
- Musical Director
- Angela McCarthy
- Written By
- Tom Whalley
Tom Whalley’s wonderful script of Goldilocks and the Three Bears was a perfect vehicle for the enthusiastic young cast of Quince Players with a good balance of roles and characters, plenty of fresh sounding puns and gags and some classic pantomime business. It was wonderful to see a pun run of road signs to tell a love story, an amusing version of “If I was not upon the stage” and the fabulous balloon ballet all performed with great skill and timing.
The pantomime was dominated by the youthful leads as Goldilocks, Billy, Snot, Colossus, Magic Keith and of course Baby Bear. Each young performer created their characters with great clarity and confidence, sang well and interacted with the other characters with good comic timing. They each charmed the audience and with a youthful Ensemble, blended well with the adult performers to create a well-balanced show.
Visually the show was a delight with a wonderfully dressed auditorium in red and white silks, a large banner to create the big top of Dame Gertie Dollop’s Circus and attractive white picket fences to define the acting space. The brilliant selection of projected images and videos on the back wall adding hugely to the overall production image and added immensely to each scene. With a good band, excellent sound mix and simple well drilled chorography this was a very enjoyable and entertaining evening.
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