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Author: Mike Purnell


15th August 2024
Wayfarers Drama Group
The Hut
Type of Production
Andrew Bales
Written By
Patrick Hamilton

No wonder I so look forward to seeing Wayfarers Drama Group at The Hut, every  play you produce is always one I’m very keen to see. Gaslight was definitely no  exception. I vaguely remember seeing the film back in the day when thrillers were  thrilling and a lot was left to the imagination. Tonight’s play reminded me very  much of the TV program “Thriller” a different story every Saturday night and always  hit the right side of scariness. I was always allowed to stay up that little bit later to  see it even if through my fingers! Took me back to great memories.  

Thanks so much for the usual warm welcome from Liz who always makes us feel  at home.  

Well what can I say about the program?The front design was just what was  needed. I really liked the black with just the gaslit lamp in the top corner. Not over  busy with logos etc and full of information about the play and the cast and crew  and the history of Theatre in the Hut. And I know Graham our vice President and  myself really appreciate the page dedicated to NODA. Thank you for that.  

As usual with your sets and props you manage to transport us into where we  needed to be and somehow, and I don’t know how you do this, you make a small  space look huge. I think the secret must be you never over crowd and only use  what’s necessary. I loved the working fireplace the atmosphere created with  candles and the Gas lit lamps. Excellently timed. Lighting also gave good focus to  the acting area and we could see everything but was still dim enough to give us  that shadowy atmosphere that one could imagine of the time. This was created all  through the play. Also the music chosen was just perfect it really set the scene for  us.  

Yes the play was written in 1938 and I believe there has been a few adaptions  whether film or stage since even under the different guise of Angel Street. As usual  with this age of play, I felt it was a little long and a bit repetitive at times. I notice  the latest adaption in 2022 was condensed to two acts which may have improved  it. Mind you the heat the night we were in must have been very difficult to keep  you all focused on stage especially under those lights. But focused you were and it  didn’t seem to affect you all at all. Well done on that.  

It seems strange that the term Gaslighting we use in our modern day language  originated from this play. To manipulate someone into distrusting their own  perceptions so much so that they start to believe that they cannot trust their own thoughts. Well this was exactly what was delivered in this play. Both Bella and  Jack were so believable. Not easy characters to portray and given you are trying to  deliver a gothic melodrama which could have easily been sent up just by taking it  to the Hammer Horror level but you both played them for real this was the success  of the play. You hit just the right level.  

Congratulations to the Director, despite the length of this play, you kept it going at  a great pace and I felt kept very faithful to the script. Just goes to prove that some  of these older plays can still entertain a younger audience. You could have heard a pin drop at certain suspenseful times. Excellent casting, I felt there was a  confidence amongst the actors which put us all at ease with their performances.  Great use of the whole stage. With the setting of the arm chairs and the table to its  right the action very easily glided from one area to the other without ever looking  cramped. I felt you had good control over this old chestnut and well done on doing  it justice. Certainly another triumph for Wayfarers Drama Group.  

Bella Manningham  I’m so glad I got chance to speak with you after the play. For me this was your  best performance to date. I’ve so enjoyed watching you grow as an actress and  you certainly won us over as an audience. This performance felt studied and  measured. You let us in to both sides of your thoughts whether it was when  doubting yourself and questioning the madness that was already diagnosed in the  family, or your stronger self when the realisation of what your husband Jack was  putting you through. I did think the dress looked a bit ill fitting but you explained to  me after about the petticoat problem which most likely would have solved the  problem. You worked extremely well with your fellow actors and kept a good pace  throughout. Very enjoyable.  

Jack Manningham  What a Rat! So finally after 12 years you’ve got to perfect this very dark villainous  character. A very complex character which I’m sure you and the director gave  much thought to. I felt you pitched him just right. We saw your nice side when  inviting Bella to a night out at the theatre, almost like dangling the carrot and then  taking it away when you try to convince her she is as mad as her mother once  was. You just gave us that edge of uncomfortableness. Your stature helped  especially when standing over Bella whilst she was sat. You had great command of  the stage and looked just right in the suit with waistcoat. Being a strong actor you  were very convincing, a Jekyl and Hyde and complete rogue. Around me I felt the  audience’s disgust when playing up to Nancy. We were captivated and relieved  when you got you comeuppance. Well done.  

Rough  A welcome character into the fold. It seems strange that you appear suddenly from  nowhere and yet hold the answers to the mystery surrounding this house and its  characters from years before. You certainly brought some lightness to the play. A  good actor who knows how to deliver a comic line. Love the suggestion of  medicine and then producing the flask of whiskey. I did question the costume,  looked rather more 50’s to me but certainly put some colour into the mix. I rather liked the slight touch of farce when disappearing into the wardrobe it certainly  lightened the mood when Jack entered it and came out not having noticed you.  We’ll never know how you hid from him but you always kept that steely  determination to get to the truth of the matter. Very wordy but slickly delivered.  

Nancy/ Elizabeth  Both very strong performances. The impudence of Nancy came across in spades  whilst Elizabeth was very much on Bella’s side and wanting her mistress to come  out on top, which between them was a winning combination.  

Well. Wayfarers Drama Group. I felt you had another winner under your belt. I felt a  lot of time and effort, and above all care, had gone into this production. I’m already  very much looking forward to the next one.  

Thanks again for inviting us.  

Best wishes 

Mike. X


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