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Dick Whittington

Author: Bob Allen


19th December 2024
Bath Unity Players
Kingswood Theatre, Bath
Type of Production
Katrina Cowie
Musical Director
Julia Barratt
Katrina Cowie
Written By
Katrina Cowie

This was my first visit to see the Unity Players who have just celebrated their 80th year of preforming and judging from tonight’s performance the group are in safe hands for the future. The show was one of really great enthusiasm and energy from every member of the team. They knew how to please their audience and were supported by a talented backing of musicians and technicians.


I was impressed with the basic staging of a metal two tier back lot which was decorated and /or adorned with various items to denote the current scene. The large stage of the theatre could be daunting for some groups, as it is very open to the audience, but it seems Unity are well used to the stage area. The play was in two acts and during those acts the scenery was smoothly and quietly changed many times with use of front tabs for other scenes. All scenery contributed very well to the plot, and with one exception, was a delight to view. I felt the underwater scene was not so fulfilling as all the other scenes. I would have liked to see more signs of wreckage on the seabed, other than the anchor, and more use of colour. However it did provide plenty of space for the great “I would rather be..” number.

In the second act there was a superb scene for the Sultan’s Palace. This was very richly coloured and a joy to view, especially as it provided such a good back drop for the young dancers. The group are used to displaying the dancing skills of pupils from “The Curtis School of Dance.” What a bonus for any pantomime! The girls were from all ages and each class was given a chance to shine. Congratulations to all those on stage for adding such a great other dimension to the story. I really did enjoy those dancing for the Sultan, which was very topical, and for the young ladies ending the show with such a lively American display. I hope your Director passes on these comments so that all the younger girls know how good they were.


Cast : Acting, Singing and Presence

When you have a small number of actors on a large space it is always a task to fill the space. This group had either a great troupe of actors, or a very demanding Director! I’m not sure which but every scene filled the space available and none of the cast were static for long. I felt there may have been too many times where the actors “lined” up across the stage, but this was a minor problem, which I’m sure would not happen on another occasion. The cast have the duel challenge of filling across the stage and up towards the Gods. The cast was fortunate to be wired up for sound. This was great for the singing but particularly for the spoken word. I heard every word and note. Thank You. Never did the musicians drown out the cast so I felt the balance was good. All the songs, to my ear, were well performed and pleased the audience every time a note was sung!


Dick played by Sophie 

Such a good choice for voice and appearance. A difficult role to undertake but well done Sophie – you made it look easy!

William Fitzwarren – Ethan 

Another difficult role undertaken with ease – I wonder where you inherited that!

Alice – Yasmine

Good voice and a great smile – both used to good effect.

King Rat – Rachel

Such an awfully bad piece of work! Well done – one of the best baddies I’ve seen.

Beau Belle – Katrina

With all that needed to be done in her creative role Katrina still had a part to fill! Wow! Loved the role but I’m a traditionalist – I like my “Fairy Godmother” in a more flowing Disney look. But well done and Congratulations! The group have done you proud so you should be able to enjoy the rest after the show.

Felix / Tommy – Ruby 

How can you not like this character? This is a role traditionally that no body jumps to audition for. It needs love and believing to do well. I loved Ruby’s soft toned voice and the down-to-earth attitude. Those shoulder shrugs. Wow! Well done.

Harriet – Steve

You must have been the clearest spoken Dame I’ve ever seen. Heard every nuance. Thank you. But you could have been even more risque if you had wanted. Only Dames can get away with it! That final tree costume – brave man!

Demon of the Deep – Kevin

You did such a good job of dancing around in that costume. Loved the song. 

Sultan & Sultana – James & Beckie 

Well done both of you in making a small part so worthwhile. You added grace to the scene.

Nelson & Half Nelson – Lynda & Gemma

Congratulations to you both. I loved the way you handled the audience and each other. There was great love and chemistry between you. The “tights” sequence was really good as was the Audience song. I’m not supposed to have any favourites but you came close!


Can I please pass on my thanks to all those in the Chorus. I watched the way you performed when the action was on the main characters and you were all working “in character”. Not an easy thing to do while waiting for your next cue.

Also my best wishes on the charming young man playing lots of different roles even at his tender age. He was really working in the background. I hope I get to see him again. And not forgetting that wonderful baby! A star in the making – hope you get lots of embarrassing photos to use on his 18th birthday!


Thank you Bath Unity Players for an entertaining panto and allowing me to be your guest.

 I look forward to seeing your next venture

Kind regards

Bob Allen

NODA Area 14 rep.


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