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Blythe Spirit

Author: Jo Wilson-Hunt


11th May 2016
@2K Theatre
Tacch Morris Art Centre
Type of Production
Jane Burt

Dabbling with the afterlife can be a risky business especially when Noel Coward has got his mitts on it. This wordy comedy takes a lot of time and thought as his use of words and timing needs to be presented with style and confidence, Jane had obviously done her homework and stylish it certainly was. The beautifully presented setting of the Condomine’s living room which had lots of hidden goodies that rattled and shook in the final moment were great fun, and was used to great effect as a real life setting. The actors all embraced their roles although those dreaded word eluded some at times. There was no wonder Charles still had deep romantic feelings for the beautiful Elvira, his visitations from his deceased but loving wife were a highlight of the piece. There was a truly ethereal quality created by Elvira as she floated, teased and eventually caused the demise of the more recent Mrs Condomine. Much fun was caused by Madame Arcati, not the usual batty old lady but thoroughly bonkers and extremely endearing. Not to be out done in a small but very significant role, 'Edith the maid' dithered and tottered around causing many giggles, what foe par would she commit next!!.... An enjoyable if slightly extended evening in the usual style of @2K….. Let’s start looking forward to the next venture.

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