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Author: Brian Oliver


3rd December 2022
Milton Musical Society
Forest Arts Centre, New Milton
Type of Production
Creative Team
Lizzie Crane, Kirsti Warne, Jo Kent , Shae Carroll
Musical Director
Jo Kent

This was a very enjoyable concert style show, with a simple but effective storyline,  largely told by the barman, which linked all the musical numbers together. With a small amount of scenery they had created the bar of public house “The King Henry” and all the customers in the bar, are all recognisable as the favourite characters from the wonderful world of musical theatre.

There was a varied selection of musical numbers from a whole range of popular West End musicals.

It was a very enjoyable and entertaining with wonderful singing throughout.

It was all very good, the stand out numbers for me were:  Pick a Pocket or Two and It’s a fine Life, from “Oliver”, Hail Holy Queen from “Sister Act”, Windy City from “Calamity Jane” and Maybe This time from “Cabaret”, and I thought that the arrangement of One Day More from “Le Misérables” was fabulous

The excellent backing for the show was provided by Musical Director Jo Kent on piano, together with a bass guitar and drums, they made an impressive well balanced sound.

It was certainly very well received by the very appreciative audience.

I must confess to being a member of this company for several years in the nineties and then I became a NODA representative in the year 2000. This show brought back wonderful memories and it was nice to catch up with some old friends. My congratulations go to all concerned

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