
Date 25th November 2019
Society Grange Players Limited
Venue The Grange Playhouse Broadway Walsall
Type of Production Play
Director Chris Waters


Author: On Behalf of Jean Beard

The Front of House management gave a warm welcome to members of the audience who filled the theatre.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable , fast moving performance of ‘Twist,’ by Miles Tredinnick, a play so aptly titled for its moments of intrigue and excitement.  Chris Waters deserves much credit for his skilful direction ,delivering a story packed with unpredictability, slumped dead bodies, suspense and surprise and hilarity , and all at a very swift pace that effectively captured the audience’s attention from start to finish. The use of music, “If you go down to the woods today,” played in between the scenes, added to the growing tensions within the story ,for it became more menacing each time with less instrumental , suggesting impending murder.

The action of the play was set in a present day living room of a London apartment building, set on two levels, Whilst it was a comfortable and adequate home, there wasn’t much suggestion of any luxurious features, suggesting this was the home of a well known TV star and an accountant. The clock was permanently set at ay 10.40.

The character of Sarah Seeton, played by Louise Farmer, presented a flirtatious, self- confident ‘good time girl,’who liked her drink and enjoyed flattery and fame as a nation’s favourite TV star. She was condescending, however, towards her husband, David Woods, played so ably by Rob Meetan.

David was a determined, scheming, strong character delivered with energy and at a fast moving , frenzied pace, almost manic at times, as plans to murder his wife were set and played out. His only faux pas was to corpse momentarily when he said divorce instead of affair. Interfering Mrs Beck, endeared herself to the audience for her sustained characterisation added further humour and interest with her persistent interference, back pain , theft and hesitance to leave the room. Characters, including Hannah van Lee ( Helen Freebury),  and Robert Woods ( Carl Horton) further injected bribery and corruption into the play, which effectively heightened tensions furthering moments of panic , causing David to grow more agitated and frantic when things weren’t going to plan.

Inspector Root ( Lee Wilkes) was also not all who he was supposed to be and overcome by greed presented the shock ending to the play!

An entertaining performance, a good evening.

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