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Tom Jones

Author: Chris Clarke


9th June 2012
Rutland Musical Theatre
Uppingham Theatre, Uppingham
Type of Production
Andy Lee/Richard Jordan
Jane Hollingsworth & Sarah Gott

Andrew Lee undertook to rewrite Tom Jones which in itself was quite a task and he then toured it with three one night performances at different theatres. I must praise Chris Martin for her brilliant playing throughout the show, she was for me was one of the highlights of the evening. The part of Honour was well played by Lizzie Jordan and Leigh Evans as Sophia Western was in fine voice. The minimalistic set did little for the show and the lack of attention to detail with costumes, wigs and shoes were a further distraction. Whilst understanding the wish to follow Footloose with a show suitable for the seniors, perhaps the choice of something as dated as Tom Jones was not the best choice in view of the obvious overall vocal abilities of the Company. Perhaps a low budget production was the reason for this venture.

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