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Sweet Charity

Author: Brenda Gower


2nd October 2021
LOS Musical Theatre
Lewes Town Hall
Type of Production
Collette Goodwin
Musical Director
Brett Wellcome
Collette Goodwin

This was my first show to review since lockdown and what a thrill it was to see you all on stage presenting a really vibrant production.

This was a show I hadn’t seen and really did not know what to expect.  The story of Charity’s stages in life was fascinating from being a Taxi-Dancer or Night Club Hostess (thanks for the explanation of Taxi-Dancer in the programme – no sex but a paid for partner on a dance by dance basis) to possibly becoming linked with a famous film star and then meeting a man far removed from her previous life to disappointment in the end – or was it!?  I guess some people (including me!) were thinking as they watched the performance, “Oh, that’s where that song comes from!” and in my case there were three:  Big Spender, If My Friends Could See Me Now and of course The Rhythm of Life.

All the songs, whether performed by chorus or principals were put over with pizzazz accompanied by an excellent orchestra led by Brett Wellcome.

Charity is a big role to play and Star Bray certainly did it justice, with a large amount of dialogue to learn plus singing and dancing her heart out.  Star really lived up to her Christian name.

There were so many other great performances throughout with Phil Lucas as Oscar Linquist, the owner of the Fandango Club and Aidan McConville as Vittoria Vidal the famous film star.  Jon Borthwick as Daddy Brubeck made a great impression both visually and vocally and all the principals were well cast and put everything they had into their characterisations.

Great work from all the Fandango Dancers. draping themselves behind their rope and looking suitably languid until the customers came along!

The choreography from all, carried out by Director Collette Goodwin was superb and a joy to watch and, with excellent costumes and scenery, all that happend on stage made this a show to remember.

Many thanks to all concerned, whether on stage or behind the scenes, for bringing LOS back to an enthusiastic audience.

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