Stage to Screen
- Date
- 28th May 2015
- Society
- Felling Stage Society
- Venue
- Heworth Grange Comprehensive School, Gateshead
- Type of Production
- Concert
- Director
- Bea Atkinson
- Musical Director
- Jonny Winter
- Choreographer
- Helen Wilson
It is always difficult for societies staging a concert to get the balance right in order to make it appealing to the audience. Do you stick to the tried and tested routine of big musical numbers from well known shows? Do you go for the avant garde and select lesser known shows? How much dancing and comedy do you include?
Well, Felling Stage Society got it right with their latest concert production, “Stage to Screen.” It was a lively production full of energy and enthusiasm and, apart from a few opening night hiccups (who don’t have them from time to time), it bounced along and left the audience happy as they left the theatre.
Under Bea Atkinson’s direction and multi-talented Musical Director Jonny Winter the well-drilled ensemble numbers were colourful, well-staged and well performed. I particularly liked the final section of the show which was based upon a 60’s theme and finished with a tribute to “The Four Seasons” which involved the cast interacting with the audience who all joined in with the merriment and made it a fitting ending. In all, twelve soloists were used and all performed their respective numbers well with excellent characterisations, where appropriate, of the stars they were portraying.
Finally, a special mention for that often overlooked aspect of show production, the choreography. In this show under the imaginative guidance of Helen Wilson it fitted in well with the general concept and added its own special touch to the final piece of the jigsaw.
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