Scrooge The Musical
- Date
- 24th November 2016
- Society
- Ferryhill Stage Society
- Venue
- Mainsforth Community Centre
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Bruce Cunningham
- Musical Director
- Meg Childs
This well known Dicken’s story tells the iconic tale of a cold-hearted miser Ebenezer Scrooge who had a change of heart after been visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve.
Ferryhill Stage Society transported their audience back to Dickensian London for their 2016 Christmas musical spectacular.
Bruce Cunningham in his first production for Ferryhill stage society delivered a colourful and busy production and music as ever was in the capable hands of Meg Childs and her assistant John Childs. The scenery was excellent as was the lighting and sound which contributed hugely to the success of the show.
Scrooge the musical relies heavily on the principal Ebenezer Scrooge as this character features in just about every scene, Michael Coulson took on this demanding role and made it his own, he was able to demonstrate and portray the different characters from cold and heartless into a thoughtful concerned individual full of the milk of human kindness, excellent stage presence and I loved the delivery of his musical numbers “”I hate people”, “A better life” and “Ill begin again”. He was ably supported by the iconic role of Jacob Marley’s ghost played by Geoff Clifford Brown who again had good stage presence.
Young Scrooge and Scrooge’s Nephew Fred was played by Steven Berry who delivered an excellent performance, good stage presence and fantastic vocals I particularly liked the duet between himself and Scrooge “You You” both actors complemented each other. Fred's wife Mary was confidently played by Sarah Reed and I enjoyed her party number “The Minister’s Cat” performed with the party guests. The three ghosts, Christmas past beautifully played by Rosemary Jones great acting, stage presence and a beautiful voice loved her musical numbers “Love While you Can” and “Happiness “ with Ebenezer, Isabel played by Robyn McGough and scrooge for me this was a very strong musical number. Joe Makepeace played both Christmas present and future, great actor formidable stage presence and I really enjoyed his musical number “I like Life” with Scrooge and company. Good Chemistry from David Stothard as Bob Cratchit and Ferne Maddison as Tiny Tim their musical number “The Beautiful Day” with Scrooge was well delivered.
There were some good comic moments throughout especially from Bob Berry as Mr Fezziwig and Isobel Wheatly as Mrs Fezziwig I particularly enjoyed their musical number joined by the chorus “December 25” also Ryan Evans as Tom Jenkins and the chorus with the familiar song “Thank you very much” a real treat.
This is not an easy show to perform both technically and vocally but the chorus took every opportunity to shine and delivered the ensemble numbers with passion played by Pat Atkinson, Victoria Baines, Bethany Lewis Burrows, Leanne Evans, Anne Frank, Margaret Gargett, Maureen Golightly, Joan Harker, Dawn Milner, Jean Mathews, Elsie McGowan, Jill Reece, Sarah Reece, Ann Rutherford, Sheila Spooner, Jean Weeks, Malcolm Frank and Robert Leigh.
Special mention to the children who played the Cratchit family, street urchins and ensemble Emily Aitken, Tegan Cargil, Mia Chatt, William Dodsworth, Meg Gibson, Katie Hall Olivia Hall, Summer Laverick, and Lauren Mawson.
Well done to everyone at Ferryhill Stage Society for giving the audience a most enjoyable evening.
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