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Little Red Riding Hood

Author: Anne Key-Huckerby


20th February 2013
Trusthorpe Village Hall Theatre Group
Trusthorpe Village Hall
Type of Production
Chris Pratt
Musical Director
David Willson
Melissa Wood and Richard Barker

Written by Chris Pratt, who also played Grandma Hood, this well-loved tale was told in a delightfully novel fashion. Grandma Hood planned to open a super new restaurant in Trusthorpe with the help of her granddaughter, Red, and her friends Polly and Simple Simon. Two inept characters named Cam and Clegg were enlisted to work as waiters. Their efforts were somewhat thwarted by three witches named Blonde, Big and Beautiful along with a fierce wolf. Prince Hugo and his valet were invited to officially open the restaurant. There was also a Woodland Fairy taking care of the well-being of the villagers. The village people were played by the younger members of the cast performing several song and dance routines and adding much to the story telling. All the principal characters played their parts well with all the desirable facets of a successful panto being present. There was plenty of audience participation and lots of good natured comedy. Among others I enjoyed their lively rendition of 'If I Were Not Upon The Stage' with carefully choreographed actions. All the songs were chosen well with good musical accompaniment throughout. The scenery featured some excellent back- cloths and scene changes took place smoothly. The sound system was pretty good and the lighting was great. The costumes were excellent and the make up all round was extremely good. This was a charming production which was much apprecioated by the audience. Well done.

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