Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
- Date
- 14th June 2023
- Society
- Dryburn Theatrical Workshop
- Venue
- Park View School
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Michelle Coulson
- Musical Director
- Luke McGarey
- Choreographer
- Jack Hindmarch
Dryburn Theatrical Workshop consistently produce really good quality, fun and vibrant performances. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat certainly was no different. With the incredible Michelle Coulson at the helm directing, partnered with the extremely talented Luke McGarey as Musical Director, choreographer extraordinaire Jack Hindmarch and of course the fantastic support from Hi-Lights Martin Warden and Craig Holt, Joseph was another production from Dryburn that quite frankly raised the bar.
Most of us are familiar with the story of Joseph being the biblical story of the dreamer Joseph, whose 11 brothers jealous of his favour in the eyes of his father Jacob, and the prophetic dreams of his heightened stature hatch a plan to murder him but instead sell him to a group of Ishmaelites heading to Egypt, and as such Joseph ends up in Egypt. He ends up a slave in Potiphar’s home who is generally happy with him until Joseph catches the eye of his wife and ends up in prison. Pharaoh is having unusual dreams and hears of the imprisoned slave’s unique ability to interpret them. Joseph offers his interpretation of the seven years of bounty followed by seven years of famine impressing Pharaoh enough to promote him from slave to a post in the government. When famine hits, Josephs brothers travel to Egypt to beg Pharaoh for help in their famine, who due to Joseph’s warning has successfully stockpiled and prepared to ensure the people of Egypt make it through the drought. They do not recognise Joseph however Joseph recognises them. He tests their honesty by planting a golden cup in Benjamin’s bag as they leave and when the brothers offer their freedom for his, Joseph is convinced of their repentance and the family are reunited.
The musical adaptation is a great choice for groups with a large talented ensemble, a youth contingent and bundles of energy so it was a perfect choice for Dryburn. We opened with the story of the show lit on a pre-set which the narrator played by Claire Archer then read to the Youth ensemble. You do occasionally come across people who seem to have really made a role their own, this was Claire’s for me. She beamed on stage, sung beautifully, looked gorgeous and added even some comedy to the role which I very much enjoyed. The opening with the enthusiastic youth ensemble was very sweet and sincere, and the youth voices were very sweet. Well done Claire!
It’s rare you see such a strong ensemble but there they were! Jack Hindmarch – take a bow. The choreography was superb as was the attention to detail – even to the hip hand placement of the wives – I noticed! Everything was very well rehearsed and slick. Some brilliant numbers there including notably to me Potiphar which had a lovely Fosse feel to it, where Emma Coulson oozed sexiness with a fabulous ensemble, Go Go Go Joseph which had a fabulous 80s vibe, Benjamin Calypso which had a fabulous Caribbean feel to it and A Pharaoh’s story where Pete Johnson absolutely excelled in his role as Pharaoh! Loved them all but those certainly stood out.
Those Ca’an Days number harmonies were lovely and the male ensemble were hilarious and vocally extremely well-rehearsed.
Joe Coulson took the titular character of Joseph showed the audiences just how versatile a performer he is. He was bright, sincere, poignant and fun when appropriate. Fabulous performance from him. Any Dream Will Do was absolutely lovely.
I understand it was almost a fully sold out run and rightly so, what a fabulous evening we had. Vibrant colour throughout – Hi-Lights had even managed to match every colour flash of the Joseph’s coat number! Very impressive especially during the lively and fun megamix. What a lovely family night to see the show it was and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone in the audience.
In short – I bliddy loved it!
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