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Jack and the Beanstalk

Author: Rhoda Fraser


29th November 2018
Hawes Amateur Operatic Society
Hawes Market House
Type of Production
Amy Cocket
Musical Director
Colin Bailey
Amy Cocket

It was my first “Panto” of the season and it certainly started with a joyful musical number, thanks to the wonderful children’s chorus headed by Lola, Macy and Matt, all the children, as was evident  from their smiling faces enjoy been on stage. Hats off to Amy and Collin for bringing music like this into their lives I feel the sense of family fun each time I visit. For a huge portion of the “Wenslydale” area this is the start of Christmas.

Directed by Amy Cocket, who is a working Mum with two children, I am never ceased to be amazed, where she gets her energy from to direct a Pantomime, (maybe it’s those magical beans), she gave us all we needed for a great, fun evening, Thank you.

Producing, along with Tina Tindill was Colin Bailey, who also headed the Show band. Having been involved at this level I know how much time and energy you both give to the society, I applaud you.

The Society spend time encouraging the youngsters both Nicole Sunter playing Jack and Lola Reilly playing his Brother Simon had small parts in last year’s Pantomime and are showing maturity taking on larger roles this year. At only 17 and 14, we look forward to much more. Jill played by Alana Teasdale, at only 13 years, gave us a very assured performance with clear vocals, “One to watch” as they say. Thank you to India Atkinson and Gabi Raw for your cute performance as Daisy the cow not an easy part to play.

The youngsters were supported by the adult team, and after absence of 10 years Allison Wade came bouncing back as the Fairy. She was a bundle of fun, please stay we loved you.

Trying to keep tabs on her family and the cheese was the Dame, Mother Betty Bitsnbobs, played by Graham Di Duca. He played the typical Dame with riotous costumes and lots of dashing about, always a favourite character in any Panto. Squire Root played by Colin Tindill pursuing for rent but never quite catching up.

We of course followed Jack up the Beanstalk, splendid it was but a little technical hitch occurred the evening we visited. Keeping their cool and carrying on, the cast overcame this and we arrived at the Giants home. Guarding the Giants treasures were Right Guard (Caroline Teasdale) and On Guard (Julia Di Duca) they showed great comedy potential, I was sorry we didn’t see more of them.

The Giant’s Wife played by Emma Robinson coped very well working with just a voice for the Giant, ( John Raine) also on drums.

Beautifully dressed and beautifully played was the golden harp by Gillian Alderson, a very different roll from King Rat last year, showing her versatility.

The youngsters were also involved, Bethan Sowerby, playing The Golden Goose, and the 3 Blind mice Evie, Lola and Lottie, all giving us nice support characters.

A wow factor in Pantomime is often the costumes and YES, YES, YES, we saw the full potential, delivered by Liz Connelly, Charlotte Reilly and their team of 6 ladies, Brilliant.

Backstage, set building, painting of scenery, props, sound , lighting, make up, so many more to thank for team work that gives the audience a magical evening. Well done everyone.

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