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Dracula, the Panto

Author: Anne Key-Huckerby


6th February 2013
Horncastle Theatre Company
Lion Theatre, Horncastle
Type of Production
Shirley Moffat
Nancy Byrne

Written by HTC member Shirley Moffat, this was totally new to me. I was facinated by the ingenious names of the characters. Among the village people I noted Anna Glypta, Ivor Stayk and I name but three. The story was told very well with some of the best sound effects I have encountered for some time as well as very dramatic lighting. Dominic Hinkins as Igor sported excellent scary make up and introduced us to the macabre tale. The love interest came via Bram [Shannon Woodley] and Amy [Jenny Harrison]; their voices blended beautifully. Penny Holland was the lovable Dame Warfarin; Gwyn Williams was truly evil as Van Helsing with Max Tunmore as his side kick, Renfield, and much of the comedy was in the hands of Andy Bye and Kim Birchall. There were a number of interesting dance routines with some spry acrobatic moves by a team of seven older girls and five smaller ones. Most of the musical items were new to me, but then, I've never been a pop fan. However, I did recognise Monster Mash! Inevitably some of the costumes were black but all were to a very high standard. This was a refreshing change from the more traditional pantomimes.Well done.

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