Dick Wittington and the Caribbean Pirates
- Date
- 30th November 2017
- Society
- Hawes Amateur Operatic Society
- Venue
- Hawes Market House
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Amy Cockett
- Musical Director
- Amy Cockett
- Choreographer
- Amy Cockett
One snowy night four friends travelled “up dale” for their first Panto of the season. The Wensleydale Music and Theatre Group with the Hawes Amateur Operatic Society presented Dick Wittington and the Caribbean Pirates, it had everything you expect from a Panto - well done to Jennifer and Collin as Producers for inviting Amy Cocket to direct the show.
This year Amy married Dan Cocket, whose family are true legends of Hawes Operatic Society, she had a lot to live up to! Well done Lass, you stepped up to the mark, I’m sure the family are proud of you. Amy directed a chorus of 15 youngsters, one only 8 years old, and at least half of them having never done this sort of thing before. They were brought up to a slick standard as they sang well and looked as though they were having great fun.
The cast were a mix of all ages, Kory Spink, age 17 playing the part of Dick Wittington was very competent and together with India Atkinson, playing Allice Fitzwarren gave us a lovely duet, Last night of the world, I can’t believe India is only 14, she had such poise thoughout the show. Other youngsters to mention, Lola Reilly as Tommy the cat, always alert to help, and Bethan Sowerby as the assistant fairy, Ivy ,well done. A special mention to Harvey Boddy, for coping so well with losing his warrior skirt - a real trooper.
Opening the show, King Rat (Gillian Alderson) showed domination over her two sidekicks Gnasher (Julie Waring) and Nipper (Emma Robinson) - they got us into Panto mode with the Booing at their dastardly tricks. We loved Nipper, her facial expressions portrayed the empty headed tyke to a tee. Gentle guidance was given to them by the Fairy Holly, played by Jennifer Fawcett.
Colin Tindal as Sarah the Cook was everything we expect of a dame, colourful wacky costumes and character to match. Her son, Idle Jack (Liz Whitehead) and his friend Dozy Dorris (Gemma Hogg) entertained us wonderfully with their banter.
We were led from the streets of London, onto the ship The Golden Hind, here Graham Di Duca played the lovable Captain Birdseye with perfectly behaved parrot. Then off to the Paradise Island, Richard Waring’s scenery was perfect for all the plots, in fact until I had a good look through my program I thought it was professionally made.
A very entertaining night out, we especially appreciated the show band during the under the sea, bobbing along number, thank you to all cast and crew.
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