A Streetcar Named Desire
- Date
- 18th June 2022
- Society
- The Florians Dramatic Society
- Venue
- Florians Theatre, Inverness
- Type of Production
- Play
- Director
- Jo Galloway
This was without doubt one of the most powerful productions – both amateur and professional – I have ever seen. Jo Galloway’s direction of Tennessee Williams masterpiece was exceptional, drawing the very best from every member of the cast. It was not a production to be “enjoyed” - in the normal sense of the word - due to it’s subject matter but definitely one to be deeply appreciated. The part of Blanche Dubois has been played by some of the world’s best actresses (including Jessica Tandy and Vivien Leigh) and to that list must now be added the name Alison Ozog. She was simply magnificent in her portrayal of a woman spiralling into a nervous breakdown and must have been both physically and emotionally drained after each performance. Simon Lyall was truly convincing as the bullying, wife-beater Stanley Kowalski so much so that even I at one point (and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one in the audience) had to restrain myself from getting up and giving him a punch! Rosalyn Paton as Stella, Blanche’s sister and Stanley’s wife, also gave a stellar performance in portraying the conflicting feelings for her husband and sister. David Saunders as Stanley’s friend (and Blanche’s beau) Harold “Mitch” Mitchell gave a strong sympathetic performance. Strong support was given by Matthias Kremer (Steve/Young Collector/Allan Grey/Delivery Man), Jay MacGregor (Eunice),Tom Masterton (Pablo), Michelle Grover (Mexican Woman/Nurse) and Gerry Sutton (Delivery Man/Doctor). There was also a cameo appearance by Anne Bamborough(Woman). The Southern American accents of the actors never slipped once throughout the production. The carefully designed and built box set by Allen Perrin, depicting the small two room apartment in which the action takes place, gave an insight into how the tensions between the characters could easily build up and explode. The intimate size of the venue made you feel you were almost part of the piece. Congratulations to everyone involved for bringing this superb piece of theatre to the Inverness audiences.
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