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Leeds Children's Theatre

North East Region


Michelle Petrow
Rehearsal Venue
The Carriageworks Theatre
3 Millennium Square

Leeds Children's Theatre - producing quality drama for children of all ages since 1935 We believe that we are the oldest established Children's Theatre group in the UK. We have an online archive listing our past productions which may interest past members and audiances, as well as our usual website that gives details of our current activities. The majority of our plays are chosen because they are suitable for a young audience, but they are performed by our members who range in age from 8 years through to their 70s - we are truly an intergenerational society [& multigenerational in some cases]. Leeds Children's Theatre produce two shows every year that are staged at The Carriageworks Theatre. The venue was opened in 2005 to replace our old home, the Leeds Civic Theatre which also faced onto Millennium Square. As a society we are dedicated to the principle of quality affordable children's entertainment, in order to encourage the introduction of the theatrical experience for young children. We are a voluntary not-for-profit amateur drama society, a member of NODA, ACT (Action for Children's Arts) & LeedsCAN (Leeds Community Arts Network, which was previously Leeds Civic Arts Guild)

Recent show reports

Funders & Partners