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Whose Wives Are They Anyway

Author: Betty Haslam


9th November 2012
Alton Operatic & Dramatic Society
The Assembly Rooms Alton
Type of Production
Eleanor Bradbury

American Michael Parker admired English humour and wrote this farce in homage. The new boss expected her staff to be accompanied by their wives. The situation gets rather complicated as her two employees, husbands minus wives staying on a golfing weekend at the Oakfield Golf and Country Club have to produce the wives, when along comes a young assistant who steps in to fill the breach. Further chaos when one of the golfers has to dress up as a woman, it becomes truly farcical when the real wives turn up to upset the proceedings. Director Eleanor Bradbury brought out the best in her cast, although rather slow to get going at the beginning, it came to life in Act 2 with the misunderstandings associated with a farce, including in and out of doors, men dressed as women and hilarious bedroom scenes. Jennie Thomsen (D.L.Hutchison) Graeme Cooper (David McGachen) and Stuart Laidlow (John Baker) gave excellent performances. Well supported by Katie Rose (Tina), Dolina MacKenzie –Williamson (Mrs Carlson) the manageress of the club and the long suffering Porter Stuart Nash. The real wives Chrissie White (Karly Mc Gachen) and Alison Crow (Laura Baker) arrived to upset the proceedings. Very well acted by all the cast to the delight of the packed audience. The set by Stage Manager Robert Hudd was excellent on this small stage with a reception area and two bedrooms complete with double beds. Scenic artists Peter Crow and Claire Mattey transformed the stage and reception area to compliment the cast . Andrew Stickland & Sons designed and operated the effective lighting. A very good production enjoyed by all and a splendid evening’s entertainment.

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