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Two Victorian Comedies

Author: Ann Platten


28th March 2015
Bocking Theatre Club
Type of Production
Bocking Village Hall
Margaret Surrey

Two hilarious plays,the first “Holmes Sweet Holmes” the second”Jekyll in Hiding”by Jim Sperinck ably presented and performed by Bocking Theatre Club.

The first play took place at 221,Baker Street with Major Henry Bennington-Smythe and his wife Dora having to put up with the many comings and goings in the flat above their apartment.

A clue to this address lies in the title with “Holmes”.

The Major played by John Page was a study as an aristocrat trying to fit into life in London after returning from India.John had a great sense of timing and used his dialogue well.Dora his wife played by Jacqueline Clarke was super and they made a good duo.Dora did enjoy a glass or two of wine and became rather more lively after several glasses.

The Housekeeper Mrs Hudson was a busy person and spent a lot of time dealing with the many visitors to people living in the house causing her much confusion.Jan Peaston gave quite a tongue in cheek comedy character in her role which she played very well.

Inspector Lestrade played by John Hughes was involved in both plays and I enjoyed his “take” on the character and the general confusion all round was played out so well from him.

In “Jekyll in Hiding” which took place in the laboratory of Dr Jekyll’s house much amusement occurred involving various experiments including the mix up of various potions and medicines.We even had a Gorilla and  Monkey in the act !            I did say it was complicated!!

It was a completely crazy play and the cast did very well to contain the plot and keeping a straight face so amusing was the story.

Mrs Poole played by Erna Jennings and her long suffering husband played by John Ellson were prominent in dealing with all sorts of visitors including the Inspector, and coped well with a complicated plot where timing was important.

Rita Hall as the Monkey and Elis Gavin as the Gorilla did really well in full animal costumes which must have been so hot.

Steph Felton as the Delivery Girl and also Miss X in the first play added to the fun as did a very upper class Young Man played by Alexandra Lee.

In between the plays we all enjoyed an excellent Ploughmans Supper which was served to the entire audience.

 The interval also served for a total change of stage set.The first being a typical Victorian theme,very well set out with furniture of the period, and the second set that of a laboratory.

The company and committee work very hard, and it was good to see the hall packed and the audience enjoying both the plays and the supper, which must have been very pleasing for the society.A great evening.

Many thanks as always for a warm welcome and all the hospitality which was most enjoyable.

Congratulations to Margaret on her Direction and to all the cast and crew for a fun filled evening.


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