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Treasure Ryeland

Author: Anne Lawson


14th December 2024
Rye Players
Tilling Green Community Centre Rye
Type of Production
Paul Thomas
Musical Director
Xan Kite and Larry Wilson
Sandi Bain
Written By
Paul Johnson

No, I haven’t made a typo. This panto is ‘Treasure Ryeland’ based on the story we know so well but more bespoke to Rye town itself, with the treasure in the chest and, wait for it, only the Mayor’s chain of office!! It was reinstated to Andy Stuart the Mayor of Rye to the cheers of the audience.

The venue was the third for the group of their touring the local community with action taking place on floor level so really quite immersive. In fact, several enthusiastic dressed up children wielding their various weapons, engrossed with the pirate activity,  ventured up the central aisle to join in the swashbuckling! Action took place when Rye was rife with smugglers and pirates in the 1700s and scenes of the famous Mermaid Inn, Strand Quay, on board the not so famous ‘Leaky Bottom’  and in Act 2 after sailing for weeks to an island off Dungeness to discover Ben Bones, an almost unrecognisable Clare Murray, fearsome animals, a dark cave and the treasure.  The design build, decoration and shifting team created interchanging hanging panels which were neatly turned and with added large props including a fun canon and ball, a portable steering wheel, shrubs, ropes and netting, mops, deckchair, maps, weapons, tankards etc. Using three venues mobility was key and black screens behind the panels worked well for entries and exits. Sound effects and lighting was operated at the side of the action where music was led by local shanty expert Martin Bruce who accompanied the strong harmonious singing cast and the audience during the interval on his concertina. This music encouraging the audience to join in with its toe tapping beat.

Director Paul Thomas unfortunately was not present – I liked his vision of using the whole of the venue working the central aisle and sides making the audience really feeling involved. The goodies were introduced and the story confidently narrated by Jasmine Toretello-Myers as Jim Hawkins looking jaunty in sailor’s whites. Mother Dame Hawkins, a not so good cook and wonderful flirt was larger than life Richard Moore donning long blond locks and interesting bustle useful for creatures of the sea, full of inuendo and slapstick and definitely an eye for the captain! Smollett being admirably performed by Stuart Clark resplendent in nautical topcoat, breeches and perfectly tied back hair and natural beard. He was assisted by Venetia Sanders as Bosun Arrows, iffy navigator. Putting up the money for the treasure hunt was upper, upper class character Madam Trelawney, elegant, plum and gentile was Jessica Partridge. Ian Klemen last seen as Dr Bradman created the wonderful character of ship’s surgeon Dr Livesey ministering dubious potions and lotions. Notorious pirates were led by Long John Saliva played by Gareth Ward who was commanding, loud, stood on two legs and frightened us and his motley crew and we delighted in booing throughout. Kenzo Drummond obviously enjoyed becoming trusty parrot Flint standing by Long John’s side and squawking and flapping superbly. Trio, useless, comic sidekicks were MD Larry Wilson in stripes and blue bandana forever wishing to ‘leave the room’ as Dribble. Laura Grove became an expert bearded ‘spitter’ Spit and Xan Kite was a manic Quigley – great screamer and controller or wee Quigley puppet the children loved. Sam McGrath who started the ball rolling by telling of the treasure playing Billy Bones died spectacularly after several attempts!! The costumes were colourful and appropriate for the era with good accessories together with bright parrot and wild animal costumes too plus a beautifully bedraggled Clare Murray as shipwrecked Ben Bones. Personal props were plentiful  with good attention to makeup and hair styling. This group strives to showcase local themes and writers in creating a community atmosphere and on this occasion were supporting the RNLI at Rye Harbour.

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