'Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum' is definitely the style of this adaptation by Phil Wilmott which takes a number of liberties with the original tale. From the beginning Stevenson's aim of '---- a tale for boys ---- women excluded' is turned on its head as Lady Trelawney, a feisty portrayal by Jan Ibberson, takes charge of the motley crew of pirates plus their female counterparts. With some feminine guile and the efforts of Jim Hawkins, Daniel Mitchell upholding 'right' amongst his elders and less than 'betters', she successfully brings the treasure home for all the crew to share. John Donnelly makes an admirable Blind Pugh, Ed Bancroft is in commanding voice, if not quite the fearsome character expected, as Long John Silver and John Atkinson is in his element as mad Ben Gunn. The set was simple but effective and the costumes ideal.
Highlight of the show had to be the 'Cheese Song', a hilarious combination of 'songs from the shows' with the largest selection of cheeses to whet Ben Gunn's appetite. Congratulations to the lyric writers, the props team for the cheese hats, the entire cast for the singing and choreography and of course the Director for 'directing'!!
Not the serious tale you might expect but a great nights entertainment for a summer evening.
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