Tons of Money
- Date
- 26th October 2012
- Society
- St Vincent's Dramatics Society
- Venue
- St Vincents Parish Centre
- Type of Production
- Play
- Director
- Vincent Bradley
It can be very difficult to write a report on a farce with so many twists and turns in the tale. Such was the play `Tons of Money` As the producer writes in his notes, I can`t spoil all the surprises,just to say there are plenty, together wth lots of laughs.
The play was well directed by Vincent Bradley who also played the lead Aubrey
Allington. Aubrey and his wife Louise, well acted by Lisa Kilburn gave the audience
a splendid couple, determined to get the inheritance `by hook or by……death!!!!
All the characters were well cast as jokes came thick and fast.
Mention must be made of Stan Porter who gave a great performance as Sprules
the butler.
I have come to expect an attractive set from this group, this was no exception
Well done all backstage.
My thanks to all society members for your warm welcome and great evening.
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