The Wind in the Willows
- Date
- 4th December 2015
- Society
- Hawes Amateur Operatic Society
- Venue
- Hawes Community Centre
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Colin Bailey and Jennifer Fawcett
- Musical Director
- Colin Bailey
- Choreographer
- Julia DiDuca and Bonnie Dinsdale
What a night! After a very good journey to Hawes I was met with the problem of a power cut. We were told that power would be restored by 8.30pm but it was decided to start the show using flashlights. The show band in the front were now employed lighting the stage with flashlights, with the prompter moving lights about to illuminate the cast and stage settings. I think for the first time in my stage career I have never known a show to be without any lighting, and musical background for the duration of the performance. The cast were absolutely marvellous, the unaccompanied carols being sung with gusto and perfectly in tune. The producers had done a really superb job. The juniors had learnt their lines to perfection so didn’t need the prompter who was busy moving lights about.
The Panto started with the juniors on the River Bank in a song and dance [helped out by the audience] and then Mole, played by Gillian Alderson, and Ratty played, by Julia DiDuca, got the show of to a great start, and must have given the cast great encouragement to perform. They were soon followed by Toad, excellently played by Graham Di Duca, who really stole the show with his antics. Badger soon followed, and was very well played by Colin Tindill, who, using his stage experience, was perfectly at home with the situation. The Juniors were the Stoats and Weasels, and I think they really enjoyed performing on the darkened stage. The Chief Weasel was played by Adrian Janke who took other parts as well. He was helped by Harvey Boddy, as First Weasel, and Alana Teasdale as first Stoat. Toad soon began his antics when driving his imaginary car recklessly, and was soon in front of the Magistrate, played by Michael Waldman, and was jailed. He didn't like that, and Miranda, played by Amy Swales, assisted by The Washer Woman, played by Carolyn Teasdale, evicted him. The staging was excellent. We had a horse-drawn caravan with Tom Entwistle playing Dobbin the Horse. We had Badger’s house and Dulce Domum, Home Sweet Home, well illuminated by flashlights. The songs were all sung very well indeed and in the final scene Father Christmas appeared and gave presents out during the singing of Carols. The Weasels and Stoats were played by Abby Alderson, Ben Alderson, Lola Reilly, Nicole Sunter, Demmi Thomas, Tom Entwistle, Jennifer Fawcett and Hazel Waldman. These youngsters will never forget this experience, and I was pleased the lights were not restored as it would have spoilt this unusual experience, though it was disappointing for the lighting crew on this last night. I don't think anyone in the capacity audience went home disappointed, but they went home blown apart by the gale-force winds and rain. Very well done Hawes in difficult circumstances.
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