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The Wind in the Willows

Author: Luke Spencer


22nd February 2019
Melyncrythan Musical Theatre Company
Gwyn Hall
Type of Production
Anthony Argyle
Musical Director
Matt Hampson

Well, I was eagerly anticipating this new musical version of The Wind in the Willows and I am delighted that the first performance I saw was by the talented Melyncrythan AOS. We have come to expect good productions by this company and this was indeed no exception.

The set was lovely and well stage managed, beautiful and thoughtful lighting and the costumes well-sourced and effective. The band was tight and the ensemble were well-rehearsed with great focus and a good company sound.

The principals were excellently cast with David Bryant giving a lovely performance as Rat and Ryan Jenkins having great character and stage presence in the role of Badger. Beautiful performances were given by Lyndzi Williams, Anthony Isaac, Cira Westermark, and Natasha Cranny as the Hedgehog Family and Kelly Shreeve as Portia.

Particular mention must go to fabulous performances by Joseph Robinson as the effervescent, engine-loving, cheeky Mr Toad and to Daniel Moses who gave a great performance as the sly Chief Weasel. The performances of the night for me were given by Zoe Richards as Mrs Otter who was for a perfect mix Mrs Doubtfire, Jeanette Tough (aka Jimmy Krankie) and Mother Flump, quite brilliant… and Sean Williams as Mole whose characterisation was lovely and everything he did on stage was for me the quintessential Mole as I had imagined when I read the book as a child.

Thank you to the entire company for what was a brilliant performance of this new musical.

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