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The Wedding Singer

Author: Hazel Hole


30th May 2018
Brightlingsea Musical Theatre Group
Brightlingsea Community Centre
Type of Production
Jess Law
Musical Director
Lee Birnie
Beck Stevens & Zoe Farrelly

This lively and energetic musical is based on the 1998 film and tells the story of wedding singer Robbie Hart ( played by Martin Goulding) who is jilted at the altar of his own wedding but goes on to find his true love. Martin played this lead role with real panache, putting in a great performance and his voice was able to deal with a wide variety of songs. The female lead was Julia Sullivan, played by Lucy Weaver, who put in a particularly strong performance, both in acting and singing. These two leads worked really well together complementing each other and moving the show along at a cracking pace.

Supporting the role of Robbie were Sammy (played by Gregg Weaver) and George ( played by Kieran Foreman). Sammy came over as an abrasive character and George as somewhat louche and extravagant. (I absolutely loved his over the top makeup !!) This pair were excellent and added a different slant to the production.

Julia's cousin, Holly (played by Natacha Bines) interpreted her role well trying to capture Robbie's interest and Rosie, played by Carrie-Ann Mann was an exuberant grandma proving that you are never too old to dance ! Angie, played by Lynne Fairlie was a great support as was Linda, played by Anna Panton, who had jilted Robbie and was trying hard to win him back.

A large chorus of all age groups tackled the energetic dances with great enthusiasm and no discernible problems. They also coped with some compelling and sometimes difficult singing and harmonies to great effect. Well done.

Jess Law was making her debut as a Director and she stepped up to this challenging production very well indeed. She certainly drew out the best from the cast and chorus and will surely direct further productions in the future.

A special mention of the two chief choreographers, Beck Stevens and Zoe Farrelly, assisted by Lynda Western. They must have worked very hard with the chorus on some very complicated dance routines which were well performed, not to mention also working with the principal characters.

Lee Burnie ( a very young musical director at age 19) led the band of keys, guitars, reeds and drums in strong performances and support. Possible slightly too loud in the opening sequence, but the band settled down to provide firstclass introductions and backing to the cast. Very enjoyable.

The set, designed and constructed by Tony Diver and Bob Weaver, made maximum use of rather restricted space and relied on the positioning of props (Denise Stevens, Cat Diver and Helen Bridgman) and the timely turnaround by the stage crew. Lighting and sound (led by Christopher Clay) were appropriate and costumes reflected the styles of the 80s. Beth Bradshaw was responsible for hair and makeup and achieved some remarkable transformations especially George.

Programme was designed by Lucy Weaver, using her signature mix of colours to good effect.

I met with Lucy Weaver and Jess Law and several of the cast at the end and it was clear that everyone was thoroughly enjoying the production. Some mentioned that the dancing had been challenging to learn but were pleased to have mastered it !

I thoroughly enjoyed this production by a talented company who have clearly relished and risen to the challenges of this musical. Well done.

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