The Phantom of the Opera
- Date
- 16th July 2015
- Society
- Co-op Juniors Theatre Productions Limited
- Venue
- The New Wolsey Theatre
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Rebecca Darcy
- Musical Director
- Nigel Virley
This has been a production to be seen to be believed! One of our Junior Societies taking on this masterpiece by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Charles Hart.
The youthful cast gave the performances of near professional. Peter Ling as Raoul was an believable junior lead and a really excellent Christine was Anna Watson – her voice reached notes you have thought beyond a girl of 18. Her voice filled the theatre and gave us all goose-bumps!
Also in excellent voice was Bea Derrick as Carlotta. The character parts were all well cast; to name but a few: Michael Haywood Smith as Monsieur Andre, Wade Ablitt as Monsieur Firmin and there was a handsome Phantom played with eerie passion by Chris Vince.
A magnificent chandelier hung above the stage and the whole set was a superb work of art. Costumes were good especially the “Fancy Dress” theme for Masquerade.
A very professional production and much hard work has gone into every aspect. Well done indeed.
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