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The Magic Walking Stick

Author: Frank Wooles


15th November 2012
Cardiff Scout & Guide Gang Show
New Theatre, Cardiff
Dave Dallimore, Steve Sanders
Musical Director
Dominic Winfield, Eirian Parry
Nicola Rooke, Bianca Guglilemoni

With the exuberance of youth and the joy of performing, the Gang Show stormed the stage of the New Theatre with this musical version of The Magic Walking Stick, by John Buchan. Young Bill dreams of staging a Gang Show to show off the circus skills of his Scout and Girl Guide friends. A great idea except none of them have any skills. Bill buys a walking stick from a pedlar man and finds it has magical powers to grant wishes and we are off on an adventure to meet witches, a wizard, a pirate king, dwarves, Captain Bob, Psychodelia Smith and many other strange and colourful characters. But there was no individual ‘star’ billing; just a galaxy of rich talent working as an ensemble and performing highly choreographed production numbers with polish and precision, which told of many hours of dedicated rehearsal. There is no substitute. A well organised production, imaginative and exciting routines backed by a good-sounding lively band, the show swept along (dare I say it!) on the crest of a wave, and richly deserving of warmest congratulations.

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