The Highwayman
- Date
- 8th December 2024
- Society
- Clavering Players
- Venue
- Clavering Village Hall
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Matt Elliston
- Assistant Director
- Megan Elliston
- Choreographer
- Megan Elliston and Isla Lawton
- Written By
- Matt and Megan Elliston
The weather outside may have been wet and windy but once inside the hall the atmosphere was warm and welcoming, with parents and excited children taking their seats, having stocked up with drinks and snacks. We were soon spotted by the Director and taken to our seats. Refreshments were kindly offered which we chose to take in the interval.
Matt Elliston and his daughter Megan have written the society’s last few pantos and I was very much looking forward to seeing their latest production.
Olivia, Holly and George as the Town Criers opened the show in a good positive fashion.
There was a large chorus of children in this production, all of whom sang enthusiastically. I felt that some of the songs were not easy for these young voices, but they all looked as though they were enjoying themselves, which is the main thing, with most having learnt their moves as well as the words.
This was a traditional panto and as the title implies, the main character is Dick Turpin. His entry, down the centre aisle on a mobility scooter adorned with a horse’s head and with his entourage on hobby horses caused much amusement.
Every panto needs a baddie but they should never be too scary and I think Ben Blackaby as Dick Turpin got it just right. I understand Ben is a singer making his acting debut and he certainly seemed to be enjoying the role, connecting well with the audience. Well played and perhaps we’ll see him again next year!
Clare Fuller was Aramis, the goodie. A good performance, as I have come to expect from this actress. James Fuller was enjoying playing Junior and really looked the part in his lovely hat, complete with feather. He had also learnt his lines, so well done to him.
Helen Howett and Sarah-Jane O’Brien made a great pairing as Sweet and Savoury, adding a good comedy element as brothers in Dick’s gang. They received the biggest laugh when entering the stage on large blow-up characters. This was hilarious, made even more so when one of them, a chicken, started to deflate. Well done for coping with this unintentional, but very funny episode. Gemma Waterman and Elizabeth Balaam were Dick’s henchmen. Gemma is inclined to hold back so needs to try to relax more. Learning how to project and slowing her dialogue will, I’m sure, help her to gain confidence.
A good confident performance by Megan Elliston as Justin, her stage presence and confidence having improved year on year. A lovely performance by Isla Lawton as Tess.
Andrew Brown was Dame Grizelda. Everything about the Dame should be over the top from the make-up, big hair, outrageous costumes, all of which were present, to confident entrances and a good connection with the audience, which I felt were somewhat lacking. Everyone knows the dame is a man so being a bit blokeish can sometimes get the biggest laughs. That of course is for the director to decide. I do appreciate though that it can take a brave man to step up to the role of the Dame, so well done.
Jamey Benson as Ted, may not have got the girl but he certainly made a very smart Postman. Well done to Emmie and Erin as Dave the Horse and what a lovely little cameo by Eve as Rocker.
All the elements of panto were present and the songs, for the most part, were well chosen. Costumes were good as was sound and lighting. Choreography was kept simple, enabling all the children to learn the movements, which most of them managed to do. There are always one or two of the children who stand out from the crowd and that was the case here. I think the society has a couple of stars in the making. Scenery was traditional and worked well.
Writing a panto may seem like a fun thing to do but in reality it is also a lot of hard work and I commend Matt and Megan on what they have achieved.
Thank you for inviting me and for your hospitality. We had a very enjoyable afternoon
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