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The Fumblings at Friar`s Bottom

Author: Jackie Kay


31st October 2012
St Simon & Jude's A.D.S
School Hall
Type of Production
Lewis Gorse

This was a very unusual play put on by this society. At one side of the stage was a desk occupied by a schoolmaster/ narrator. The audience were his class and there was quite a lot of audience participation.. Ian Dean-Boardman was excellent as the teacher Dr Mildrew Sponge, asking such silly questions and awarding prize cups or dunces hat if the answers were correct or not Meanwhile the play about a school under closure began on stage.
The rest of the large cast all played their parts very well. There were some very good performances on stage. Nick Ramwell was excellent as the shifty bookmaker Checkers Swindell. Mr and Mrs Crumble (Hughie Brogan and Suzanne Smith) were hilarious as the school porter and his wife, their wanderings on and off stage were so funny ..
Trundle and Gertrude Blathercock,the head and his wife ( Alan Yates and Chris Wynn) who were trying so hard to sell the school which they owned, gave strong performances.
Nicola Walsh played a smashing Violet Bodkin the Sports mistress, working hard to save the school, well done.
The set was well thought out and the sound was clear.
Thank you for a lovely evening, the audience and I left with a smile on our faces.

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