The Full Monty
- Date
- 1st July 2022
- Society
- Clacton Musical Theatre Society
- Venue
- The Princes Theatre, Clacton On Sea
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Sam McCarthy
- Musical Director
- Phil Toms
- Choreographer
- Ashleigh Masters
- Assistant Director
- Steve Salmon
- Company Stage Manager
- Nicola Heap
I was warmly welcomed on arrival by Nicola Heap, Company Stage Manager and Julia Clarke, Deputy Chair.
On entering the auditorium I was immediately impressed by the “club style” table layout in the front section of the theatre, with VIP packages available. It added to the general atmosphere in the audience with a pre show routine by some of the cast and also other cast members “planted” at the tables with the VIP guests. Very innovative!
The society performed this musical ten years ago and a few of the original cast have returned for this production.
The six unemployed steel workers, Peter Spilling as Jerry, Simon Brett, as Dave, Peter Norfolk as Harold, Rory Dunbar as Malcolm, Marley Njie as Noah “Horse”and Will Smith-Daye as Ethan all played their roles with huge enthusiasm and energy and some really tremendous vocals. Jerry and Dave took the lead roles within the group and shared some superb songs, especially Man. Some of the men were very reluctant to join the “strip” act but eventually the actors truly came to terms with their character's fears and misgivings. Some fabulous songs from the men especially Big Ass Rock and Big Black Man. I loved Michael Jordan's Ball, with Jerry and the men and Jerry's perfectly delivered Breeze Off The River and the very emotive duet between Malcolm and Eithan, You Walk With Me. A very tender moment and beautifully portrayed.
Well done to Cassie Weston who I understand came late into the role of Georgie, Dave's wife. She quickly led into a rousing delivery of It's a Woman's World at the beginning of Act One. Other sterling performances were by Jen Richardson,( Jeanette Burmeister), Lynne Farlie (Vicki) and Sam Smith who played Jerry's son.
There was a good amount of comedy and humour throughout especially with Eithan's attempts to walk up the walls !
As with any major production it is impossible to mention all the actors by name but all interpreted their characters well and they were well cast in their roles, ably supported by a strong ensemble. Everyone maintained their American accents superbly.
Musical Director, Phil Toms led both the cast and the eight piece orchestra skilfully whilst also playing Keyboard One. The sound level achieved was exactly right to support the singers on stage and added much to the production and the confidence of the actors. Well done !
Choreography was in the capable hands of Ashleigh Masters, aided by Dance Captain Gabrielle Tyler and gave us some very slick and polished routines.
The set was fairly simple but very effective with clever use of hanging backdrops and moveable props to create different scenes. The change of props was smooth and barely noticeable thanks to the hard work of Company Stage Manager Nicola Heap and the stage crew. I loved the “smoking”Mini which must have appeared on stage whilst I blinked !
Costumes were all very appropriate and colourful. Lighting was used to good effect, most spectacularly in the final all revealing number Let It Go when the men did bare all but were screened by a tower of light !
There were a couple of group numbers where microphones did not pick up some of the dialogue which was a shame. A point to watch for in future productions !
This was a challenging production for Director Sam McCarthy, aided by Assistant Director Steve Salmon, and they created an innovative and highly sophisticated evening of first class entertainment ! Congratulations to you both and indeed to the cast and crew of The Full Monty.
Your audience loved the show as did I.
District 11
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