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The Birthday Party

Author: Marie Coltman


29th October 2022
Lyndhurst Drama & Musical Society
Vernon Theatre, Lyndhurst
Type of Production
Phil Rainforth
Written By
Harold Pinter

The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter seems a nice play to start off with but soon starts to become a lot darker.  Director Phil Rainforth has an excellent cast for this play.

The play is set in a seaside boarding house, the scenery makes you feel you're in the house - the attention to detail is perfect. Lighting and sound also work well. The costumes are just right.

The play opens with Meg Boles played beautifully by Sarah Short getting breakfast ready for husband Petey Boles played by Peter Dawson, there breakfast conversation has some great lines with her asking questions and him giving off lines back it really comes across like this is the same thing they do everyday like a normal couple. She is worried that she hasn't yet seen there lodger Stanley Webber played by Steve Davis, and wants his breakfast perfect for him. Stanley is a bit of a non-conformist and likes his own routine, and prefers to hide away at the guest house.

Stanley comes downstairs and Lulu played by Hannah Marks arrives, she is a nice character and brings a bit of fun with her, Meg has had a confirmation that two new guest are coming to stay for the night.

Mike Watson plays Goldberg: he's a real bully, and Vic Milne plays McCann a thug to the core. They have been sent to remove Stanley, and they play the evil, rotten gangster types very well. They start to torment Stanley straight away, they get Meg to put on a birthday party for Stanley, which she is happy to do, and likes the attention she is getting from Goldberg who is building her up to be the perfect host. Lulu is also used by Goldberg as he tricks her to stay with him overnight.

In the morning Stanley is reduced to a quivering wreak, Goldberg and McCann are taking him away to see the 'Doctor' but you know he's not going to be seen again, Petey wants to stop them but realises he'd best keep quiet otherwise they would take him too.

This was a good powerful play, everyone played there parts well and got the characters just right. Well done to you all.

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