The Addams Family
- Date
- 1st November 2024
- Society
- Canterbury Musical Theatre Society
- Venue
- Kings Hall, Hearn Bay
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Brendan Roberts and Luke Humphries-Paige,
- Musical Director
- Diana Whybrow
- Choreographer
- Courtney Jones
My goodness – a wonderful mix of sensational voices, enthusiasm and a clearly appreciative audience was the initial impact of this evening’s entertainment. It was clear that the audience of around 200 were set for a wonderful evening’s entertainment.
William Cooper’s - Gomez Addams was a polished vocalist and very convincing as the somewhat bemused husband of wilful Morticia played by a smart Leanne Hardy-Wall. A great pairing. Amelia Hogben as Wednesday Addams inhabited her role with confidence. Nic Yanni played a very human Lucas Beineke – captivated and confused by this spooky household. The remaining ‘living’ Addams family members - Declan McCoy - Pugsley Addams and Murrray Wilkinson - Fester Addams - really completed the perfect picture of a spooky, cranky but strangely loving family. A special mention for Cheryl Marksford - Grandma Addams! Great use of a fabulously untameable wig! Bless the human soon to be the in-laws Darcy Andrews and Liam Ferrier – playing the Beinekes. Suitably normal...and bemused.
An initial sound issue – associated with the venue – was totally resolved after the interval. Musical Director – Diana Whybrow must have loved her in role in moulding this musically talented company – a stunningly and wonderful aspect of the whole production.There were times when the full company were on stage when it seems crowded – but it was purely an ‘image’ – the cast nor their performances seemed affected. The moving forest of trees and super lighting was effective and very attractive – lovely. This seems a suitable point in which mention your ‘crew’ who designed, built and painted your scenery. A robust, cohesive team for sure. Congratulations to co-directors - Brendan Roberts and Luke Humphries-Paige, who both debuted with this production.Your whole team, including choreographer – Courtney Jones and wardrobe mistress – Linda McCann, did you proud. Congratulations and thank you for an energetic and entertaining evening.
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