Sweet Charity
- Date
- 10th July 2012
- Society
- Eastleigh Operatic and Musical Society
- Venue
- Plaza, Romsey
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- David Tatnall
- Musical Director
- Martin Paterson
- Choreographer
- Louise Hodson
Costumes were colourful and suited to the historic period and props were appropriate throughout. Very impressed to see the way props were moved on and off by this young cast. I would like to have seen the back cloth changed more noticeably for the different scenes. Although there was some use of filtered colours for mood changes, perhaps you could think about projecting a slide image or picture relevant to the scene onto the backcloth. Rhythm of Life and Vidal scenes would have been enhanced and made to look far more opulent. The lighting was generally well managed. The voice production of the members of cast was very good on the whole but there were times when some characters, in trying to maintain the correct accent, tended to race their words. The most disappointing moment with regard to this was the voice of Daddy Brubeck, Tom Chenhall, in the Rhythm of Life. His mike was not loud enough and even though he worked very hard to project his voice it did not really work. An excellent performance by “Charity”, Natalie Thorn, and certainly one of the best youth principal performances I have seen. She really lived her part. I loved the way she used the stage and brought vitality and a complete range of emotions and facial expressions to her role. She was well supported by “The Men”, Owen Collick, “Nickie”, Lauren Caffyn, “Helene”, Maria Miles, and “Herman”, Harry Butterwick, whose voice in” I Love to Cry at Weddings “was superb. Good singing by the chorus throughout but I was a little disappointed with the variation of vocals in ”The Rhythm of Life”. I am certain though if the voice balance was sorted out then this would surely be the star event of the evening. Generally the balance between the stage and orchestra was excellent well directed by Martin Paterson, Musical Director. Overall a great production and a very enjoyable evening!
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