Stepping Out
- Date
- 13th October 2012
- Society
- Blyth Players
- Venue
- Barnby Memorial Hall Blyth
- Type of Production
- Play
- Director
- Barry Pickwell
- Choreographer
- Jeanette Adams
Quite a change from the type of play normally performed by this Society and certainly a challenge with extensive tap routines, limited space to perform and not least the fact that at the start some of the cast had little dancing experience. However none of that was evident in the performance as the production team and performers put on a great show, a result of dedication and hard work all round. Barry made very good use of the facilities available and Jeanette Adams achieved marvels with the tap routines in such a limited space. A fine cast provided a wide range of well defined characters, I am sure we have all met most of the characters in life. Apart from her choreography, Jeanette Adams was also excellent as Mavis coaxing the dancers and coping with lots of problems, not least a very strong willed accompanist always willing to speak her mind, a role played to perfection by Zena Robinson. All the dance class gave great individual performances as well as working well together. The final performance provided a lovely routine, very well performed. The set was fine and well used and together with the costumes and props added to the visual effect. Full marks to the young men on lighting and sound for an achievement that many older operators would be proud of. Great entertainment enjoyed by all the audience.
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