Starlight Express
- Date
- 25th June 2016
- Society
- Co-op Juniors Theatre Productions Limited
- Venue
- The Hush House, Bentwaters Parks, Rendlesham
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Rebecca Darcy
- Musical Director
- Nigel Virley
- Choreographer
- Rebecca Darcy
Phenomenal and absolutely unforgettable, these children who have learned to roller skate showing professional skills on them. A small boy dreams of a train set which comes to life and the engines compete against each other to be the fastest in the world. A superb venue in an unused air force hanger (previously used to house military jets), all come to life in a breathtaking evening of singing and skating. Incredible stunt skills delivered to the amazement of the audience. Scenery and costumes all made in house.
Outstanding performances from all the main characters superbly backed up by an excellent team. This “Star Express” really came to Light!
A brilliant principal line up with Amber Bourne-Williams as Pearl, Holly Metcalfe as Electra, Laurie Bertram as Rusty, Christopher Gray as Poppa and Karl Lankester as Greaseball.
This in our opinion is the most ambitious Co-op Juniors production yet. Some outstanding outside catering was most welcome in a sunny evening.
This outstanding show we consider will be in the running for another Noda Award this year.
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