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Author: Allan Mears


25th February 2023
Melyncrythan Musical Theatre Company
Princess Royal Theatre, Port Talbot
Type of Production
Anthony Argyle
Musical Director
Matt Hampson
Anthony Argyle

This musical, “lovingly ripped-off” from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, tells the story of King Arthur and his motley crew of Knights exploits to find the Holy Grail.

Ryan Jenkins as King Arthur gave an assured and consummate performance, and knew how to work an audience. His impressive stature and presence, showcased a real leading man, very well cast.

Ben Bateman was perfect as the coconut shell horse clopping Patsy, and was a joy to watch. His portrayal was immensely likeable, delightfully silly.  

Danni Gravell as the Lady of the Lake gave an excellent performance, producing some very funny facial expressions and a fine singing voice, commanding the stage as every diva should.

The knights of the round table consisted of Joseph Robinson as Sir Galahad, Connor Pope as Sir Robin,  Dale Gravell as Sir Lancelot and Lee Bentley as Sir Bedevere gave a good collective performance in addition to great individual performances. Good comic timing and facial expressions were in abundance.

The chorus threw themselves enthusiastically into the ensemble numbers. Ably supporting the main cast.

The production moved at a good pace with good comic timing throughout, the director had assembled a group of talented (and funny) actors who handled the script with ease. There were no weak links in the casting of this show, and they had no problems at all persuading the audience to join them in singing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life."

The fixed castle set worked well for this production and complimented the production. Costumes were colourful and appropriate to the period.

Congratulation must go to Anthony Argyle and Matt Hampson on an excellent job.





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