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Snow White and the Seven Geeks

Author: Gordon Richardson & Alex Gilmartin


1st December 2024
Drama Geeks
Westovians Theatre South Shields
Type of Production
Charlotte Reid, Bethan Amber and David McCarthy
Musical Director
Charlotte Reid and Bethan Amber
Kyra Batty, Charlotte Reid, Bethan Amber, Georgina Whale-Spencer and Laura Ann Williams
Asst Director
Georgina Whale-Spencer and Lauren Hannah Carr

Team Milldammed (Gordon Richardson):
As the title may imply this was not a traditional panto in the true sense but was supremely enjoyable nevertheless. The production team (of which there were many as the production team notes) produced Snow White  - with a twist. The basic concept of the traditional story was there but with the odd changes which enhanced rather than detracted from the story. There was a ‘gentle’ love interest implied but given the youth of the cast it wasn’t over emphasised and made to look OTT and ‘seedy’.

The production team also made the most of the assets of their cast and it was nice to see ‘Fairy Marra’ played by a young lady I have seen taking lead roles and singing in the past in Macie Sinclair. Complete with ‘Geordie’ dialogue (as were most of the cast as a theme) Macie opened the production with the Rhianna song ‘We Found Love’ which set the tone for an upbeat spirit throughout the show.

Dame of the piece was Isla Hamill as ‘Dame Dita Von Donte’. This was a ‘gentle’ dame – not as grotesque as adult Dames further emphasising that the panto had been tweaked to adapt to the ages of its cast. The Dames ‘son’ and ‘silly boy’ persona was ‘Noah Neva’ in a wonderful manner by Eva Craig. Eva’s facial expressions and empathy with the audience was simply astounding. I have seen Eva now deliver some really ‘meaty’ and ‘diverse’ roles in the past and never a bad performance.

Titular character of the show, ‘Snow White’ was played by the talented Elanor Donkin who not only impressed with her superb interpretation of ‘Fireflies’ but looked the part of Snow White and acted well.

Villain of the piece was Gabrielle Crosby as Queen Karen – Gabrielle channelled her ‘inner evil’  for the role and nailed it to a T with her fine acting – she was truly ‘nasty’ (and I mean that in an impressive manner). She also impressed with her vocals in a couple of ‘tricky numbers for one so young. Complete with Henchmen and Lord Chamberlain (Finley Peralta and Will Wright) they collectively made an evil entity.

Trapped in a mirror after upsetting the queen, the ‘Mirror’ who could tell no lies was played by Gabriel Trigkilidas. The comedic timing of Gabriel’s libretto was a joy to behold.

Of course we all know the story of Snow White and true to form she finds herself lodging with seven ‘Geeks’ each with their own characters and each a joy to watch. Organeezer (Nathaniel Trigkilidas); Critika (Lola McDonagh); Problemo (Pippa Marlee); Scranny (Nancy Fenwick); Radgey (Nina Yates); Snotty (Ella Johnson); and Squealish (Mia Fairley).

It would take too long to mention everyone by name but an ensemble of Apple pickers, Fairies, Animals and Dancers each contributed to overall a thoroughly entertaining Sunday of fun.

Costumes, Sound, Lighting and colourful stage clothes led to an enjoyable experience for all.

One special mention finally must go to Macie Sinclair who, when leading the singing of the Act 1 finale, noticed a very young tot very distressed near her and in tears. Macie simply held her hand and concentrated her signing toward the tot thus making her comforted. This simple act of empathy from a 15 year old to a 5 year old emphasises the camaraderie and ‘family feel to all at Drama Geeks – well done Drama Geeks and especially well done Macie!


Team Westfoot (Alex Gilmartin):
"Snow White and the 7 Geeks" isn’t a panto I’m sure you’ve heard of before, but after seeing it, I can confidently say it was definitely worth the watch!

Written in-house by Bethan Amber & David McCarthy, this panto did a perfect job of exhibiting the talent of the Drama Geeks gang. They gave the traditional Snow White story a modern northern Drama Geeks twist that was both refreshing and entertaining!

Performed in the 75-year-old Westovian Theatre, which I had not visited before, I must admit I loved the 'oldy worly' feel of the venue upon arrival. The festive spirit within was courtesy of the hustle and bustle of cast friends and family, and the Christmas spirit was whizzing throughout this historic venue.

At the top of the show, we were greeted by Poppy Brennan as Fairy Marra, who provided charming narration throughout in her lush northern accent. Poppy really looked the part with her light-up fairy costume and delivered her lines with brilliant diction and conviction along with some beautiful singing. Great job, Poppy! Poppy led us into our first musical number, "We Found Love," where we met the whole cast, and the high energy levels were set from the beginning, which excited the audience – a great opening number!

We then met Noah Neva (love the name!) played by Kate Woodward, who portrayed the daft love-struck palace servant desperate to marry Snow White. Kate was superb in this role. I had total confidence in her ability, her comedic timing, and her professionalism on stage. Small things such as waiting for the audience to finish laughing at her last joke before saying her next one – something so small but impactful on an audience – Kate nailed it. An actress with skills beyond her years. Great performance, Kate!

Noah Neva’s Mam and the show’s Dame, Dita Won Donte, was played by Jessica Anderson, who, without even delivering a line, looked 100% the part – great work costume and makeup! Jessica’s Geordie Dame was one of the best I’ve ever seen, even amongst professional adult dames. Jessica was funny from start to finish with awesome comedic timing and delivery. I can tell that Jessica is a bubbly fun lass offstage, and that was evident in this role – perfectly cast. Jessica’s funky dance moves in "5,6,7,8" and hilarious one-liners throughout the show had the audience roaring. The stage suits you, Jessica – Soooooo Good – well done!

The musical number "Fireflies" introduced us to our Snow White, played by Amilie Linklater, who was again, perfectly cast. Amilie’s delicate and gentle take on the character made her the perfect princess along with her beautiful singing. It was also at this part of the show we met the Apple Pickers and the Fairies. The ‘awww’s’ from the audience rippled throughout the theatre for the adorable fairies, and they, along with the apple pickers, delivered a great number.

"Staying Alive" introduced us to Prince Justin, played by Maxwell Riley. A handsome and talented young man, Maxwell’s prince perfectly complimented our Snow White and provided great contrast to our villain, positively contributing to the strength of the cast. His musical numbers were charming, as was his character.

"Dark Horse" was a great number and was delivered excellently by Lexi Nygaard, who played the villainous Queen Karen. Lexi’s two villainous musical numbers, along with her perfectly evil laugh and her calm yet cruel portrayal of the classic evil queen, definitely gave us ‘Evil,’ and her dancers throughout her musical numbers contributed to the ‘villainous vibes.’ I must also say I loved the outfit and the crown, Lexi!

We also had Lola Foden, who was trapped by Queen Karen as the Magic Mirror on the wall. Her comedic timing worked well with Queen Karen, and between them, they delivered some great laughs and a great double act.

Instead of dwarves, our 7 Geeks were played by Alex Robins (Organeeza), Tessa Raby (Critika), Annabelle Lancaster (Problemo), Isla Rothery (Scranny), Eva Charlton (Radgey), and Kara Laidlaw-Smyth (Snotty), whose personalities were evidently clear through their brilliant portrayals. I particularly enjoyed the play on the classic 1992 ‘Ebeneezer Goode’ as ‘Organeeza Good,’ which introduced us to Organeezer – very creative! The seven geeks treated us to "Geek Wash," which I also really enjoyed, and each had a great grasp on their personalities – Radgy and Snotty especially!

The strength of the Drama Geeks ensemble, including the four peasants who visited the queen, the mini king, queen, Snow White, and Queen Karen, Queen Karen’s henchmen, and all the dancers, provided real power in numbers on stage. Every number they were in was energetic and strong and was a real delight to watch.

Sound, lighting, costumes, and choreography all came together in perfect harmony for a great pantomime.

Thank you, Drama Geeks, for making my first pantomime of 2024 a great one – you’ve certainly set the bar.

Congratulations to all involved.

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