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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Author: Budge Grounsell


11th January 2013
Hoylake & West Kirby Theatre Group
Gladstone Theatre Port Sunlight
Type of Production
Rose Evans and Christoher Stratton
Musical Director
James Melling
Dawn Smith and Megan Clarke

A more than enjoyable rendition of an old favourite . The story line and script supplied by Limelight Scripts may not have adhered to the more traditional story as I remember it but nothing was lost by this interpretation. We found ourselves meeting a cosmopolitan cast of characters all of whom succeeded not only in bringing their own role to life but providing excellent support to their fellow players. Jane Oxton made only fleeting entrances as the Fairy but provided her audience with an important and valuable link in the storyline. What a chilling laugh emanated from the Wicked Queen (Nicky Brown) whose appearance brought boos from the audience as indeed it should. A fine performance this. Comedy there was in plenty from a group of players, each of whom provided their audience with plenty of laughs and absolutely looked the part. Chambers (Roy Evans) Chuckles (Paul Cordy) Numbskull (Joe Wilson) and Dolly Dumplings (Carl Howard) . All were excellent but I would like to mention Numbskull who looked and was so right and Dolly Dumplings larger than life, an actor who proved his versatility. Last time I saw him he was playing a stern father. Snow White and the Prince (Stephanie Keilaus and Lois Founds) made their mark as the romantic interest and carried off their characters well. The Magic Mirror inhabited by Clare Hurst was undoubtedly effective. Our Seven Dwarfs did a fine job; aged between 9 and 12 these are with the other youngsters in the production the hope for the long term future of live theatre long may you continue to “tread the boards”. Let us not forget Dancers, Forest Creatures delightfully young, Ghosts, Villagers all of whom make a valuable and necessary addition to the enterprise.

The production was directed by Rose Evans and Christoher Stratton and choreographed by Dawn Smith and Megan Clarke all of whom were instrumental in injecting pace and interest into the storyline. James Melling as Singing Advisor also made his presence felt. The costumes were excellent and lighting and sound did not fail to maintain the standard of the production. Looking at the names of the Production Team it was noticeable how many names appeared in more than one capacity which demonstrates the inner strength of the society. Congratulations to you all, a thoroughly enjoyable evening.    

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