Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
- Date
- 28th January 2023
- Society
- Clacton Musical Theatre Society
- Venue
- The Westcliff Theatre Clacton On Sea
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Sam McCarthy
- Musical Director
- Jennifer Richardson
- Choreographer
- Jennifer Richardson
- Assistant Director
- Steve Salmon
- Company Stage Manager
- Nicola Heap
I was warmly welcomed at Front of House by Vice Chair Julia Clarke and others.
This was a fast moving and very slick production from this highly talented society. The pantomime opened in the Queen’s Lair (Prologue) with Georgia Higgins as the Evil Queen, a role she played with great enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment. The set then opened to The Royal Palace which was quite stunning. Panto Dame, Maisy Marmalade, played by Roger Weely was less flambuoyant but more extravagant than often portrayed but had a key role with some great costumes to wear. She was ably supported by Katie Johnson, the Jester. Katie was so enthusiastic and bursting with energy in this role and drew some superb reactions from the audience.
In fact the cast really engaged with the audience who felt involved throughout.
Jade Kennedy, as Snow White was very well cast and played this part sensitively but with great strength of character. I particularly enjoyed her song “Somewhere Out There “which showcased her lovely voice. Of course there was a principal boy, Prince Fredrick, superbly played by Claire Townley who also had a very strong voice and these two leads worked so well together playing to each other’s strengths.
Keith Peck was the Magic Mirror and also displayed his dancing ability on stage. Phoebe Wiggett was a wonderful Old Hag and Ashlea Moore was Ramsbottom, a confused and sometimes comical character.
The seven dwarfs, Blusher, Dozey, Jolly, Pop, Snoozy, Surley and Wheezy were all essential characters and were excellent in their roles. Well done to Ben Norfolk, Scarlet Wiggett, Thomas Hume-Steer, Ruby Cowley, Steve Church, Teegan Deeks and Sophie Garner. A special mention of Thomas who performed the role of Jolly walking on his knees for the whole performance.
Plenty of comedy throughout kept the audience lively. The scene in the Dwarfs’ cottage involving plates led to the audience expecting a disaster which didn’t happen!
There was a lively chorus who were often on stage and some superb dancers whose moves appeared perfect! I especially enjoyed the tap dancers who were lively and energetic and well coordinated. It was good to see everyone on stage clearly enjoying themselves. Congratulations to Choreographer, Jennifer Richardson for such lively and well performed routines.
There were a number of scene changes in this production consisting of some fantastic sets moved slickly and in a timely manner by the efficient back stage crew under the direction of the Company Stage Manager, Nicola Heap. Chris Bareham was Wardrobe Master responsible for the very colourful and extravagant costumes worn. Lighting and sound were very relevant with some good effects.
Jennifer Richardson was Musical Director and, although there was no band, all singers on stage were very well rehearsed and in accord with the music. I did not detect any hesitancy at all. Virtually all the music chosen very carefully was unfamiliar but absolutely fitted both the script and the voices.
Many congratulations to Director, Sam McCarthy, assisted by Steve Salmon for your vision and innovation. This made for a scintillating and thoroughly entertaining production which I enjoyed immensely.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this production both on and off stage.
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