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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Author: Peter Breach


6th December 2012
Langtoft Players
Langtoft Village Hall
Type of Production
Kerry Pirie / Jean Hawksworth
Musical Director
Andrew Clingo
Steph Brimblecombe,Jean Hawksworth & Andrew Clingo

Several people were walking around with long faces recently; having been informed that austerity was to be a feature of their lives until 2018. However, a visit to see Langtoft Players production of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ would have lifted their gloom, as it did for the capacity audiences who went along to see this show. The players made excellent use of the script which contained corny jokes and lots of panto-style humour. Live music and an enthusiastic Chorus, coached by their very gifted and exuberant MD, Andrew Clingo, helped make the show a really uplifting experience. There were colourful costumes, attractive sets and a well-executed lighting plan. The responsive and lively audience were eager to participate and determined to derive as much of the ‘feel good’ factor as they could. Hugely enjoyable! Well done all who were involved, particularly Jasmine Bunn (as Snow White) and Meghan Bird (as Prince Lorenzo). It was great to see so many young people on stage, which augurs well for the future.

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