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Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

Author: Joanne Rymer


17th February 2023
Dodleston Players
Dodelston Village Hall
Type of Production
Sue Ramsey
Musical Director
Mary Brierly
Joanne Robertson
Sue Ramsey
Written By
James Barry

Dodleston Youth Players

Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs


It was great to be back at Dodleston Village Hall for the Dodleston Youth Players Panto Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs.

My compliments to the set design, costumes, scenery, lights and sound which were spot on, the scene changes were timely. As I have said before what you do with what is a very restricted space is nothing short of miraculous.

We are introduced to the plot by the enchanting Fairy Flora (Ellen Barnett). What an accomplished performance this was, as the young lady is still in primary school, congratulations Ellen, you were fabulous.

We meet Snow White (Amelia McConnell) who is just how we imagine, full of life sparkling performance, her meeting with Prince Valiant (Lily Harrod) another well cast part is a heart-warming scene from two talented actors.

As we all know every Panto needs a Dame and we had the visibly outrageous chef to the Palace Clarissa (Glen Mullholland) who introduces what he calls his silly son Muddles (Karen Welch). These two Dodleston stalwarts have stage presence in spades, their interaction with the audience is outstanding. Highlight for me ‘Baking a Cake’ it was hilarious. Enter the Panto villain, Evilynn the wicked Queen (Joanne Robertson) this was a clever and comedic depiction of an infamous panto favourite. All panto audiences love a good villain, Evilynn was no exception, the boos she received on every entrance was great to hear. In the wicked Queens boudoir, we meet Miriam the Magic Mirror (Eden Mullholland) she was a joy, quietly sarcastic with great one liners.  Lovely job, Miriam.

The tour de force that is Director Sue Ramsey and her exceptional team have delivered an amazing pantomime with a predominantly young inexperienced cast, praise too to Joanne Robertson for choreography, Mary Brierly on piano. Loved the choice of songs from ‘Need a man’, ‘’Everybody needs Someone to Love ‘ to the  Dwarfs ‘’Busy Doing Nothing, then to ‘Time Warp ‘from the  Rocky Horror Show. Finishing with a wonderful finale ‘Love is in the Air’.

Now we all know the story of Snow White; however, James Barry’s script gives us more, the Queens Entourage, Amber, Sasha, Alex, Seraphima, Seren, Rohan gathered in the staff room they discussed working hours, palace staff, what Evilynn was planning, it was a splendid addition well done guys. As was the Phantoms, an exceptional visual ensemble scene, well done.

Now for the dwarfs, Prof Lauren, Grouchy Ben, Giggler Isla, Whiffy Megan, Blusher Maddison, Dotty Connie C, Titch Connie b, congratulations to all concerned, you were wonderful.

Now as you know it is compulsory that pantomimes have a happy ending this Panto was no exception, The Wicked Queen Evilynn got her comeuppance loosing her powers, meaning Miriam was freed from The Magic Mirror. Prince Valiant married Snow White moving to live in the Palace.  Fairy Flora wished us all goodnight, so, all is well.

What a special evening we all experienced, Dodleston Youth Players are quite a unique group, with two/three generations of the same family treading the Panto boards. Mums, Dads Grandparents and enthusiastic siblings are the cheering supportive audience. This is community theatre at its very best.

Thank you for my invitation it was a special evening, see you again next year.


Joanne Rymer


District 4


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