Snow White
- Date
- 16th December 2022
- Society
- Act One Theatre Group
- Venue
- Birchington Community Hall
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Becky Clark
- Choreographer
- Alice Jewell
I enjoy visiting Act 1- they always treat me well, and always have the programmes ready for the NODA poster and programme competition. Thank you.
This year they have chosen Snow White, with a slightly different direction. I keep hearing "Why are you so tall, I didn’t think you were that tall." Yes, tall Dwarfs, it worked and well done. Beckie Clark as director and lots of other roles had a splendid cast and they did her very proud. She is joined by Alice Jewell as Choreographer, Lights Dave Beaumont Davey, Sheeky Sound Gary Shepard, and Music Ben Clark. This team gave a very solid and joyous evening’s entertainment.
Kacie Zanne Tti and Felicity Blackwell gave strong performances as Snow White and Prince Charming. These two ladies certainly worked together to give us the love interest. Zena Ransley - this woman I would say held the main part of this Snow White, What a voice!! Along with that stupendous acting ability. I thought all the boos for Zena should be turned into applause and adulation for such a strong and powerful characterization as the Wicked Queen. Charlie Steff as Fairy Fortune shone from the very start and worked her audience well with such poise. Dame Soggybottom - Rueben Thorpe towered above all with a strange resemblance to Miranda Hart, but I felt he could have worked his audience a little more, but he had good stage presence. A young Douglas Manclark gave us a Simple Simon that was so professional for his age, what a cheeky lad, and he shone, as did John Pond as Ruby Runnybottom, an unfortunate name for John, but John you came over to us with revelation to play a girl with such grace (well)? Perfect. The baddy Heinrich, played by James Smith, certainly was evil and paired with Zena he was a nasty piece of work. Well done James. Sebastian and Oscar (Alice Jewell and Lauren Friday) as the Prince’s aids, well “slappa my thighs", this was timed so well, these two danced their socks off all the way through and they did Alice’s choreography proud. Unfortunately, we only had six dwarfs as one was sick. You six pulled together and gave support to the cast as did all 40-odd cast members of all ages, great camaraderie between you all.
To sum up: Act 1 you gave your audience a solid Panto in Snow White, and they were certainly with you all the way though. Giving us great performances, super songs sung with gusto, a seamless, flowing evening due to good stage management carried out by Richard Adams.
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