Sleeping Beauty
- Date
- 3rd January 2020
- Society
- Digswell Players
- Venue
- Digswell Village Hall
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Bob Tomson
- Musical Director
- David Meek
- Choreographer
- Laura Nicholson and Connie Marshall
Panto time in Digswell is a time for fun, laughs and over the top characters and I am sure no one was disappointed on the evening I attended. A well-known story, this version was written by one of the Digswell members and for the most part worked well. It did occur to me as to why the author, Mary Portalska , had not chosen to direct it herself when she had put pen to paper and visualized the whole concept. Perhaps this is her resolution for 2021, we shall see. Nevertheless, author Mary and Director, Bob Thomson collaborated well giving everyone an enjoyable if less traditional pantomime with some regular characters and some new faces as well. A combination that cannot fail to please.
Fairy Crystal (Ella Lounds) was well cast in this role. Diction was clear, well-paced and she had excellent eye contact with her audience. Her costume was well chosen but I would have like to have seen her hair taken back off her face or at least clipped out of the way thus giving her a more ethereal look.
Poison Ivy (Hazel Healliday) I loved this character. She was totally believable, and I could not help myself Booing! every time she appeared on stage. Vocally strong, her characterization never wavered for one minute. Well done.
Ralf (Stuart Carnegie) again well cast. An experienced member of the team, this was a well-defined character who was able to connect with his audience in a natural relaxed manner which everyone enjoyed.
Princess Rosetta (Lucy Portalska) This princess was not the traditional sweet, butter wouldn’t melt in you mouth princess, she had a personality and a mind of her own. Quite a refreshing twist I felt. Diction, pace and inflection were all good and costumes appropriate, however, again I felt her hair needed to be styled off her face as facial expressions were often masked. An attractive young actress but why the red eye shadow? A soft brown or green would have given a more natural look.
Sophie (Darcie White) portrayed the Princesses friend/companion with great care. Try to project your voice a little more and don’t be afraid smile occasionally. I look forward to seeing more of you on stage in the future.
Edna (Pip Gray) was as desperate as ever and great fun. Again, an experienced actor who instinctively is able to read his audience and know exactly how far he can push the boundaries. A masterclass in playing dame. Loved it.
Billy (Laura Nicholson) and Benny (Connie Marshall) made an engaging comedy pair. Timing was good and both made excellent use of pause, giving the audience the chance to “groan” before moving on. Not an easy skill to accomplish, this comes with years of studying others and learning your craft. Congratulations.
Prince Geoffrey (Tim Palmer) played the totally unsuitable suitor for the princess. Another twist to the story. So unlikeable one couldn’t help but enjoy the characterization. You made me smile and squirm at the same time.
Felix (Huw Palmer) This young actor has come on in leaps and bounds and it was a pleasure to watch how much he has grown in confidence. Interaction with other members of the cast was well handled, voice was clear and well-modulated and body language accurate. A leading man of the future I am sure.
Nettle (Imogen Carnegie). I liked the concept of this character very much, costume and make up being subtle and just enough. This young actress has a very powerful instrument but take care not to push your voice too much. There is the tendency to over project at times and this could ruin the gift you have naturally. As always, facial expressions were perfectly timed, and you worked very well with Poison Ivy. Remember, sometimes less is more.
King Harold (Andrew Read) and Queen Clara) completed the cast lineup. Both well versed in the art of panto stage craft, they complemented the story line whenever they appeared.
The inclusion of the Yeti and the Dinosaur were a fun addition and the children in the audience really enjoyed it.
Scenery was well designed, and the transformation of the castle was very effective. Poison Ivy’s Castle was also well devised. I enjoyed the UV Ghost Buster interlude, that also was very effective, and costumes looked good.
However, for me, the most outstanding element of the production was the perfect look of the young chorus. They were outstanding. Hair, shoes, costumes all matching and all looking very professional. They smiled throughout and the singing and choreography were accurate. They were a pleasure to watch. Well done guys. You were a credit to the Digswell Players Community. You should be very proud of yourselves.
Although there was not a huge amount of singing in the production, under the baton of Musical Director, David Meek, production numbers were lively and tuneful, giving soloists the chance to feature when appropriate. Song choices were suitable for all.
This was a most enjoyable evening’s entertainment which I am sure the audience enjoyed as much as I did.
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