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Sing Christmas

Author: Helen Abraham


13th December 2024
St Andrews Operatic Society
St Andrew's Church
Type of Production
Musical Director
Ken Matthews

Attending St Andrew’s Operatic Society “Sing Christmas” a Christmas concert of festive music, carols, songs and readings I was pleasantly surprised that it was not snowing! Every time I’ve attended previously I’ve battled through the elements to get there!

The concert was performed at the beautiful St Andrew’s church in Roker, an absolutely stunning venue lending beautiful acoustics to the performers.  Led by the incredible Ken Matthews as MD, I consistently found myself jotting in my notepad on each and every song performed the words “beautiful” “gorgeous arrangements” and “lovely” for almost every song performed.  Please do apply that sentiment generally to the entire concert, I loved it and was very pleased to see a good-sized audience also appreciating the wonderful performances by St Andrews and their incredibly strong vocalists.

Accompanying the vocalist was Pam Bell on piano and organist Colin Wood whose organ solo I very much enjoyed.

We had a lovely mix of carols, some with audience participation, solos, organ solo, readings and wonderful music to enjoy, including roping in the audience to provide the “jingle bells”. 

Stealing the show was “Walking in the Air” sung by Olive Matthews, absolutely crystal clear and mesmerising.  Wonderful performance Olive, really well done.

Traditional carols sung with audience participation were “Once in a Royal David’s City”, As With Gladness Men of Old”, God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman”, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”, “Good Kind Wenceslas” and “O Come All Ye Faithful”.

Performances from St Andrews Operatic Society included “What Sweeter Music” with a solo from Kim Storey, “Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen” impressively sung in German, “Coventry Carol”, “Bethlehem Down” “The Truth Sent from Above” with solos from Daisy Bradshaw and Kathy Price, “The Lamb”, “Dong Dong Merrily on High”, “Torches”, “Carol of the Bells”, “The Christmas Song”, “Winter Wonderland” and “Have yourself a merry little Christmas”.  All absolutely stunning.

We also had readings from Michael Beck, Joan Cook and Gilly Beck which were lovely.

Another beautiful performance, well done all of you and thank you for the mulled wine!

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