Sinbad the Sailor
- Date
- 6th December 2012
- Society
- Eydon Players
- Venue
- Eydon Village Hall
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Robin Brown
- Musical Director
- Meriel Gardner
- Choreographer
- Louise Hughes
It was a joy to see this show, clearly part of the build up to Christmas in this small village, deep in rural Northamptonshire and about as far from things nautical and oriental as we could get.
A group like this will always be limited in the resources they are able to call upon but the Eydon Players more than met the challenge with this lively and colourful show.
There were strong performances from the principals. Katie Black as Halapena Pepa, evil sorceress and scheming sister of the sultan, did a nice line in detached evil, and Carrie Bedford (Mustapha Sickbag) ’s excellent comic timing ensured that all of her jokes hit the spot. Mike Jackson, playing Dame Peony Poopdeck (‘Here I am – what are your next two wishes?’) was a smashing dame, keeping the laughs going throughout. The rest of the ensemble – with an admirable age range – played their parts with varying degrees of aplomb. It was excellent to see the young generation represented; most notably by Frankie Tasker and Jamie Ahern playing the incompetent henchmen with a great deal of competence.
Diction was good and singing – with live keyboard accompaniment – was spirited and confident. Some clever, funny adaptations to popular songs (‘It’s Raining Men’ becoming ‘He’s the Reigning Man’ to introduce the Sultan) ensured their relevance to the plot.
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